Remember your photo ID on May 2

Published: Tue 30th April, 2024

Voters in Charnwood are being encouraged to have a say in the two elections taking place on Thursday May 2.

People will be able to cast their vote in the Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner election and Loughborough East by-election.

In addition, those heading to a polling station are also being urged to remember to take along their photo ID.

The UK Government introduced the new requirement last year which means voters in England have to show an acceptable form of photo ID when voting at a polling station.

Accepted forms of ID include a UK, European Economic Area (EEA) or Commonwealth passport; a UK or EEA drivers’ licence; and some concessionary travel passes, such as an older person’s bus pass, blue badge or an Oyster 60+ card. Voters will be able to use expired ID if they are still recognisable from the photo.

People should check the list of accepted ID carefully as some forms of photo ID, such as security passes issued by employers, will not be accepted.

Voters also need to make sure the photo ID is the original. A photocopy or a picture of the photo ID taken with a mobile phone will not be accepted.

A list of accepted ID is available on the Council’s website, visit

People voting by post are also being reminded to return their postal votes by Thursday May 2.

If you are unable to return your vote by post before Thursday May 2, you can take it your polling station or the Council offices on polling day.

The Elections Act 2022 has made several changes to the existing electoral law which means from Thursday May 2, you will be only able to hand in a maximum of up to six postal votes per poll. This includes your own postal vote, and postal votes of up to five other people per poll.

Electors in Loughborough East will be able to hand in a maximum of 12 postal votes, six postal votes per poll (including their own) as there are two elections taking place on the same day.

If you are handing in postal votes at either a polling station or the Council offices, you will be also asked to complete a short ‘postal vote return’ form by a staff member.

Voters are also reminded not to post postal votes into the letterbox at the Council Offices, otherwise the postal vote will be rejected.

Political campaigners can only hand in their own postal vote, and postal votes for up to five other people that are either close relatives, or someone they provide regular care for.

These changes apply to UK Parliament elections, including by-elections and recall petitions, local elections and Police and Crime Commissioner elections.

A list of frequently asked questions about the changes to postal vote handling can be found on the Council’s website.

A total of 76 polling stations staffed by more than 290 people will be open between 7am and 10pm on May 2 so people cast their vote. Your poll card will tell you which polling station you must vote at and offer a list of the types of photo ID which can be accepted.

There are over 133,000 people on the electoral register in Charnwood.

The deadline to register to vote in the local elections has now passed so if you are not on the register, you will not be able to vote on May 2.

You can register to vote in future elections by visiting

Applications for Voter Authority Certificates, a free photo ID which can only be used for elections have also closed.

Votes will be counted on Friday May 3 and the results of the Loughborough East by-election will be published on the Council’s website.

The result of the Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner election will be published on the Leicester City Council website.

You can also keep up to date with the latest news and updates about the local elections by signing up to the Council’s free email newsletters. Visit for more information and to register.