Listed Buildings in Loughborough
This page shows the listed buildings in Loughborough. The entries are listed alphabetically by address. An entry may consist of more than one individual building. If you cannot find the building or entry you may need to check adjoining parishes or settlements.
The descriptions give the salient features of each property in order to aid identification: they are not intended to be either comprehensive or exclusive.
Statutory Listing covers all parts of the property and its curtilage, ie all internal and external elements whether described or not.
Burleigh Farmhouse, Nanpantan Road, Loughborough (Grade II)
Listed on Mon 5th November, 1984
Outwoods Farmhouse, Nanpantan Road, Loughborough (Grade II)
Listed on Mon 5th November, 1984
Nanpantan Primary School, Nanpantan Road, Loughborough (Locally Listed)
Listed on Thu 17th June, 2004
Outwoods Farmyard Buildings, Nanpantan Road, Loughborough (Grade II)
Listed on Mon 5th November, 1984
Gainsborough House, Nottingham Road, Loughborough (Grade II)
Listed on Mon 5th November, 1984
Canal Bridge and Bollards, Nottingham Road, Loughborough (Locally Listed)
Listed on Thu 17th June, 2004
Falcon Building, Brush Works, Nottingham Road, Loughborough (Locally Listed)
Listed on Thu 17th June, 2004
Loughborough Railway Station, Nottingham Road, Loughborough (Grade II)
Listed on Tue 5th May, 1981
K6 Telephone Kiosk Outside the Railway Station, Nottingham Road, Loughborough (Grade II)
Listed on Fri 9th October, 1987
Towles Factory, Nottingham Road, Loughborough (Locally Listed)
Listed on Thu 17th June, 2004
Loughborough Masonic Hall, Orchard Street, Loughborough (Grade II)
Listed on Mon 5th November, 1984
Our Lady's Convent and School Adjoining, Park Road, Loughborough (Grade II)
Listed on Mon 5th November, 1984
31 Pinfold Gate, Loughborough (Grade II)
Listed on Mon 5th November, 1984
45 to 54 Pinfold Gate, Loughborough (Grade II)
Listed on Thu 7th October, 1976
No. 25, Former Warner Street School and Schoolhouse, Pinfold Gate, Loughborough (Locally Listed)
Listed on Thu 17th June, 2004
Carillon Tower, Queens Park, Loughborough (Grade II)
Listed on Mon 5th November, 1984
Towles Mill, Ferrymans Road, Loughborough (Grade II)
Listed on Mon 5th November, 1984
3 Rectory Place, Loughborough (Grade II)
Listed on Mon 15th March, 1965
The Old Rectory, Rectory Place, Loughborough (Grade II*)
Listed on Mon 15th March, 1965
Chesterton House, 1 Rectory Place, Loughborough (Grade II)
Listed on Mon 15th March, 1965
Rendell Primary School, Rendell Street, Loughborough (Locally Listed)
Listed on Thu 17th June, 2004
Limehurst School Annexe, Shakespeare Street, Loughborough (Locally Listed)
Listed on Thu 17th June, 2004
No. 17 Southfields Road, Loughborough (Locally Listed)
Listed on Thu 17th June, 2004
Southfields, Southfields Road, Loughborough (Locally Listed)
Listed on Thu 17th June, 2004
10 Sparrow Hill, Loughborough (Grade II)
Listed on Fri 23rd February, 2007