We are here to help you access our services and welcome your comments and feedback.
Our online services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and are the best way to make requests, reports and payments.
A-Z of online forms - available 24/7
Customer Services
Contact us by phone
Our phone lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm and you can reach us by calling 01509 634666.
Face-to-face appointments at the Council offices
Face-to-face appointments are available with a Customer Service Advisor. Requests for an appointment will be assessed on an individual basis prior to booking. This will ensure an appointment is the most appropriate way for any enquiry to be dealt with.
Please call 01509 634666 if you wish to request an appointment, our opening times are Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm.
Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TX
Web chat
We are launching a web chat trial on the Charnwood Borough Council website from Monday June 10, 2024.
The function will give our customers another channel to contact and interact with us.
It is initially being trialled on three sections of the website and will be operated by customer advisors so customers will be interacting with a real person, not a bot. These sections are:
The aim is to add the web chat service to other sections over time.
Find out more about the web chat service
Contacting the Council in an emergency
The emergency contact details can be found below:
Benefits and Council Tax
If you are contacting us about benefits and council tax please call 01509 634666 (calls charged at local rates).
You can make a council tax enquiry via the online form below:
Make an online council tax enquiry
Business rates
Email: business.rates@charnwood.gov.uk
Housing needs enquiries
Tenancy Services
Call 01509 634666
Refuse and recycling
Call 01509 634666
To contact the service, you can also use the online form below:
Refuse and recycling general enquiries
Street management
Call 01509 634666
Charnwood Lifeline
Opening times
- Monday-Thursday, 8.30am - 5pm
- Friday, 8.30am - 4pm
- Contact number: 01509 643970
More information about Charnwood Lifeline
Charnwood Leisure Centres
- Loughborough: 01509 611080
- Soar Valley (Mountsorrel): 0116 2375267
- South Charnwood (Syston): 0116 2640057
Charnwood Museum
For information about Charnwood Museum, visit the Charnwood Museum website or call 01509 233754.
Loughborough Town Hall
For information about Loughborough Town Hall, visit the Loughborough Town Hall website or call the Box Office on 01509 231914.
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Last updated: Wed 12th March, 2025 @ 16:34