We understand residents may be concerned about the rising cost of living.

This webpage has been put together to provide information and useful links to a range of different agencies which may be able to help those needing further support.

Whether you’re worried about loan repayments and want to know where to get financial support or legal advice, want to know more about the support available for food provision or need information about housing, we hope the below information is helpful.

The UK Government has launched Help for Households to provide a range of additional support.

Leicestershire County Council has a webpage that features support for Leicestershire residents including funds, programmes, and services to help you and your family get through this difficult time.

It is also worth checking what support you may be eligible for if you or someone you care for has a disability. More information about disability benefits can be found on the Government website.

Cost of living leaflet

We have produced a two-sided cost of living leaflet which contains a number of useful websites, links and contact numbers for businesses, organisations and charities who can help you by providing guidance and support:

Cost of living leaflet

Last updated: Thu 4th July, 2024 @ 08:47