We have approximately 1,200 households currently on our housing register who are waiting to access social housing.

In an average year, only 17% of people on the register are housed.

Regrettably, even people in the greatest need often face long delays.

We do advise residents to consider alternative options earlier like moving to private rented accommodation, downsizing or swapping homes.

If you would like to apply to join the register, you can do so by completing the application form.

You will need to upload the following proofs along with the application. These can be electronic versions, scanned electronic copies or photographs that are uploaded. Please ensure that all evidence is a clear image of the whole original:

  • Proof of ID for all adults and children listed on the application for example photo driving licence, passport. If you do not have photo ID a birth certificate or adoption certificate will be accepted (documents must show date of birth)
  • Proof of address for all adults on the application for example a utility bill, Council Tax Bill, Benefit award letter or bank statement. The documents supplied need to show the name and address and must be dated within the last three months
  • Proof of benefits, income and pensions
  • Two months of your most recent statements of ALL bank accounts, Post Office building society accounts, etc. These statements MUST show your name and address, and be less than three months old for both the main and joint applicant.

You will also need to provide the additional documentation that applies to your circumstances.

Housing Register Application Form

What happens next

Once the completed application form has been submitted, along with all the required supporting information and proofs, we aim to assess your application and notify of our decision within 20 days.

If you have been accepted onto the register, we will advise you of your banding and details on how to bid.

You will not be contacted before this decision letter unless additional evidence is required.

Please do not contact us until you have received the letter, unless your circumstances have changed or you have additional information to add to your application.

Applicants will be able to apply online for up to two properties per week. Bidding cycles normally open at 12pm on a Thursday and close at 11.59pm on a Tuesday night.

Change of circumstances (including change of address)

If your circumstances change, or you have further evidence to add to your application, please add it to your application via the Home Connections website.

Update your application

For more details on how to submit a change of circumstances, please see the guide below:

Once you have updated your application, and supplied all the required supporting information and proofs, we aim to re-assess your application and notify of our decision within 10 working days.

Resetting my password

  • Click on Housing Register Application Form
  • Click ‘Make or update an application’
  • Click on forgotten password
  • Select ‘Reset using personal details’
  • Complete the fields below
  • Please note all fields are ‘Case Sensitive’
  • You will need to be aware of your security question answer (Also Case Sensitive)
  • Select the ‘Reset Password’ button 

Logging back into an existing, incomplete application

  • Click on Housing Register Application Form
  • Click ‘Make or update an application’
  • Log In
  • Answer the security question that was set when you first made the application
  • Once you have logged back in the current status will say incomplete
  • Select ‘Click here’ under continue to my application  - you will then be able to complete the remaining fields and submit your application

If you’ve had a previously cancelled application or if you would like to reapply

Please follow the steps below:

  • Change Password
  • Register for a new housing application (the system will not allow you to amend an old application)
  • After completing first page with your details, the system will recognise that you are an existing customer and a pop-up will appear requesting:
    • Household Login ID
    • Your NEW Password
    • Security Question (select from the drop down options)
    • Security Answer

Once the fields have been completed, you will be able to continue with a new housing application.

Frequently Asked Questions


If you do not agree with the decision made by the council, you have the right to request a review of that decision. This includes:

  • If your application has been rejected
  • You disagree with the banding
  • You disagree with the property type eligibility
  • You disagree with the council's decision to withdraw an offer
  • You disagree with the Council’s decision on whether a property is suitable
  • If you're application has been cancelled and your request to have it reinstated has been refused.

Request for reviews must be made in writing within 21 calendar days of the date of the decision.

Reviews will normally be carried out within 8 weeks (56 calendar days) and you will receive a letter detailing the outcome. No contact will be made until the letter has been sent.

Review requests can be made using the online form below.

For independent housing advice (e.g. before or after you request a review) please contact:

The Bridge

Charnwood Citizen's Advice Bureau

Housing review request

Housing strategies and policies

View all housing strategies and policies at Charnwood Borough Council via the link below:

Housing strategies and policies

Contact us

Housing allocations enquiries can be made using the online form below:

Housing needs enquiry

Last updated: Wed 12th March, 2025 @ 16:33