Your feedback is very important to us.

We want to hear from you whether it is a comment or an observation about a service we provide, a compliment about something we have done well or a complaint about something that you are unhappy with.

We are committed to listening and acting on what we hear to continually improve the quality of the service we provide to our customers.

If your enquiry is a request for a service rather than a complaint about the Council please visit our online forms webpage or alternatively use our A-Z of services to find the relevant team and online service request forms.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about a council service or the way it was delivered (whether the service is provided directly by the council or by a contractor) which requires a response.

A complaint may be raised by anyone who has been affected by the actions or inactions of the Council. Complaints may, for example, be about:

  • The lack of fairness or professionalism of interaction with officers
  • Failure to do something we should have done
  • Refusal to provide a service or delivery of poor service
  • Failure to follow the correct policy, procedure, law or legislation

What will not be accepted as a complaint

Certain matters will not be accepted as a complaint or not dealt with through the Council’s complaints procedure because there are other processes more suitable for dealing with them, or because they are outside the Council’s control. These include:

  • Initial requests for service or for action to put something right, such as reporting a repair or a missed bin collection
  • A complaint that has already been concluded as not being the fault of the Council
  • Homelessness decisions and housing register banding decisions
  • Planning decisions
  • Matters of law or central Government policy (such as Council Tax legislation)
  • The correct application of Council policy, or matters for which there is a right of appeal (either within the Council or to an independent tribunal)
  • Complaints where the customer or the Council has started legal proceedings, such as where Particulars of Claim have been filed at court
  • Complaints that have already been decided by a court or independent tribunal
  • Complaints from staff about personnel matters, including appointments, dismissals, pay, pensions and discipline. These are dealt with under the Council’s HR procedures
  • Complaints relating to Freedom of Information (FOI) and Environment Information Regulations (EIR)
  • Complaints relating to Data Protection legislation, including data breaches and Subject Access Requests (SAR)

Matters for which there are alternative statutory appeal or tribunal processes include:

Street lights, highways, pot holes and road maintenance enquiries and complaints

For all enquiries and complaints relating to street lights, highways, pot holes and road maintenance, please contact Leicestershire County Council.

Feedback, compliments or complaints

Wherever possible, we encourage customers to submit any feedback, compliments or complaints using our online form below:

Report feedback, make a compliment or make a complaint

Alternatively, contact can be made:

  • By telephone: 01509 263151
  • By post: Customer Experience Team, Charnwood Borough Council, Southfields, Loughborough, LE11 2TX

Complaints received via social media will be forwarded to the relevant service area and handled in accordance with our complaints policy.

Response times

Complaints should be submitted as soon as possible after the incident. The Council will normally only accept complaints made within 12 months of the incident or circumstances that led to it.

The Council will review your enquiry to see if it meets the policy definition of a complaint. If we consider it to be a request for service or a comment on services it will not be accepted as a formal complaint.

If accepted as a complaint, it will be directed to a senior officer / manager within the relevant department for acknowledgement within 5 working days, and investigation and response within 10 working days of acknowledgement.

Is there a deadline for escalating a complaint?

If you are unhappy with the outcome or the way the complaint has been handled at stage 1 you can request a review of your complaint at stage 2 of the policy.

Review requests must be received within 28 calendar days of the Stage 1 response date.

The stage 2 investigation will be undertaken by someone independent of the initial complaint, who will acknowledge it within 5 working days and will respond within 20 working days of acknowledgement.

You can further information and guidance in our complaints policy.

Please note that if your complaint is about a data protection matter, this will be referred to the council’s Data Protection Officer.

Independent help and advice

For independent help and advice, please contact:

  • Citizens Advice Bureau
      • Woodgate Chambers, 70 Woodgate, Loughborough, LE11 2TZ 
      • Tel: 01509 649605 (Local enquiry line)
      • Tel: 0800 144 8848 (National advice line)
  • The Bridge Housing Advice Centre
      • John Storer House, Wards End, Loughborough LE11 3HA
      • Tel: 01509 260500 or 0800 038 5964

Last updated: Fri 10th May, 2024 @ 15:09