If you are homeless or you think you may be at risk of becoming homeless in the next 8 weeks (56 days) please contact our Housing Options team by completing the online form below:

Contact the Housing Options team

At risk of becoming homeless

We aim to prevent homelessness wherever possible by agreeing a plan to try and help you solve the problems that may lead to you becoming homeless. If you have been served notice to leave your property by your landlord please contact us by completing online form. You mustn’t give up your accommodation if you have nowhere else to go.

If you are at risk of becoming homeless we can:

  • Assess your current housing situation and work with you to find out what your needs are
  • Agree an action plan with you on the steps you and the council will take to try and prevent your homelessness
  • Help you develop a housing plan on how you can find a new home if it is unlikely you can stay in your current home
  • Recommend and refer you to other agencies that can offer further help and support.

Once the above form has been completed we aim to contact you or arrange to see you within 5 working days.


If you are currently homeless and you are eligible for assistance we can:

  • Assess your current housing situation and work with you to find out what your needs are
  • Agree an action plan with you on the steps you and the council will take to ensure that you find accommodation
  • If there is a local connection to Charnwood we will assess whether you have a local connection to Charnwood. If there is no local connection we will refer your case to the Council in the area where you do have a local connection.

Once the above form has been completed we aim to contact you or arrange to see you within 1 working day.

If it not possible to prevent you from becoming homeless or your homelessness cannot be relieved within 8 weeks (56 calendar days) we have a duty to help you find accommodation providing all of the following criteria is met:

Agency or public body

If you work for an agency or public body and would like to make a referral you can do this by completing an online referral form (please ensure you have obtained the individual’s consent before you make the referral).

Temporary accommodation

  • If you are currently suffering domestic Abuse that council may assist with seeking refuge accomodation in the first instance as the most safe and appropriate option for temporary accomodation
  • There will be charges and these are dependant on the size of the temporary accomodation
  • Emergency accomodation may need to be out of the area
  • Whilst in temporary accomodation we would advise you to save for your rental deposit.


If you do not agree with the decision made by the council, you have the right to request a review of that decision. This includes:

  • your eligibility for assistance
  • what duty is owed to you in relation to the duties owed to those found to be homeless or threatened with homelessness
  • the steps to be taken in your personalised housing plan at the prevention duty
  • giving notice to bring the prevention duty to an end
  • the steps to be taken in your personalised housing plan at the relief duty
  • giving notice to bring the relief duty to an end
  • giving notice in cases of deliberate and unreasonable refusal to co-operate
  • referring your case to another authority / whether the conditions are met for referral of your case
  • the suitability of accommodation offered

Request for reviews must be made in writing within 21 calendar days using the online form below.

Reviews will normally be carried out within 8 weeks (56 calendar days) and you will receive a letter detailing the outcome. No contact will be made until the letter has been sent.

Review requests can be made by completing the online form below.

For independent advice (e.g. before or after you request a review) please contact:

Charnwood's Citizens Advice Bureau

The Bridge

Housing register review request form

Useful Links

Shelter - the housing and homeless charity

Jobcentre Plus

Information on evictions (Gov.uk) 

Housing strategies and policies

View all housing strategies and policies at Charnwood Borough Council via the link below:

Housing strategies and policies

Last updated: Mon 13th January, 2025 @ 12:55