When you vote in person, you go to the polling station allocated to you based on your address on the electoral register.
Before you go to vote, check where your polling station is. It might not be the closest one to where to you live, and it might have changed since the last time you voted. You have to go to your allocated polling station, and you can't go to a different one close to where you work, for example.
Your polling station will be on your poll card, which you'll receive through the post a few weeks before polling day.
Polling stations are open 7am to 10pm on the election day. Staff will be on hand to help so please ask questions if you are unsure of anything.
Mandatory Voter ID Requirements
Voters in England need to show photo ID to vote at polling stations in some elections. For further details, click the button below:
Mandatory Voter ID Requirements
For more information regarding voting at a polling station, please visit The Electoral Commission.
Accessibility at polling stations
Everyone should be able to register and cast their vote without facing barriers. They should be able to vote on their own and in secret. The Elections Act 2022 introduces changes to further assist disabled voters at polling stations.
What’s new?
Disabled voters will be able to choose anyone who is over 18 to accompany them in the polling station to help them vote. You can also ask the person in charge of the polling station, known as the Presiding Officer, to help you fill in your ballot paper. They are legally bound by the Requirement for Secrecy and your vote will remain secret.
We will also take all reasonable steps to support voters with disabilities to improve the range and quality of support.
Accessing the polling station
- All polling stations are visited and assessed in advance in terms of accessibility.
- Temporary ramps are put in place to support access for voters who use a wheelchair or have difficulty using steps.
- Where possible, polling stations are identified which have car parking provision so that disabled voters may park as close as possible to the station.
Information for voters
To help voters understand the voting process and how to mark their ballot paper the following are provided at each polling station:
- A notice inside and outside the polling station providing instructions on how to vote at the election.
- A notice in each polling booth providing information on how to mark the ballot paper at the election.
- Large print sample copies of the ballot paper displayed inside the polling station to assist voters who are partially sighted and also voters who would like some time to look at the ballot paper before entering the polling booth.
- An enlarged hand-held copy of the ballot paper. This can be given to voters who are partially sighted to take into the polling booth for reference when marking their ballot paper.
- A braille copy of the ballot paper is available. This can be given to voters to take into the polling booth for reference when marking their ballot paper.
Support within the polling station
Every polling station will have the following equipment and support in place:
- Chair/seating for voters who cannot stand for long periods.
- Magnifiers to increase the size of the text on a document.
- Tactile voting device to support those visually impaired to mark their vote on the ballot paper in the correct place.
- Polling booth at wheelchair level to ensure voters who use a wheelchair are able to access a lower writing surface and cast their vote in secret in a booth that is accessible.
- Badges which clearly identify polling station staff who can assist.
- Pencil grips to help voters with dexterity impairments to more easily hold and use a pencil independently.
- Additional staff at entrances/exits at polling stations particularly where doors are required to remain shut - for example, fire doors.
In a limited number of places due to the lack of suitable buildings, temporary mobiles have to be used as polling stations. Due to limitations, we encourage voters to ask staff for assistance if necessary, such as seating.
Ways to vote
Voting in person at the polling station is not the only way you can vote. You may also apply to vote by post.
Get in touch
To ask for a reasonable adjustment at your polling station, share ideas or provide feedback you can send us an email at elections@charnwood.gov.uk.
Last updated: Tue 25th February, 2025 @ 11:33