Charnwood marks 80th anniversary of D-Day with beacon lighting

Published: Fri 7th June, 2024

  • Photo shows Jane Bryson with the Mayor of Charnwood, Cllr Dr Julie Bradshaw MBE in front of the beacon in Queen's Park

The 80th anniversary of D-Day was marked with a special beacon lighting event in Queen’s Park in Loughborough.

The event was held on Thursday June 6, exactly 80 years since the Allied invasion, and was one of thousands to take place across the country.

Loughborough resident and retired Territorial Army Major, Jane Bryson, was selected to light the beacon following a competition organised by Charnwood Borough Council.

Visitors enjoyed information stalls from local groups such as Culture Leicestershire, Sea Cadets and Loughborough Library Local Studies Volunteers ahead of the lighting of the beacon at 9.15pm, timed to coincide with ceremonies across the nation.

Mayor of Charnwood, Cllr Dr Julie Bradshaw MBE, said: “This was a poignant event as we remembered those who served and lost their lives on D-Day.

“It is important that we continue to mark anniversaries such as this one and it was a fitting way to do it with town’s war memorial in the background and to have a local resident with a military background to light the beacon.”

Jane Bryson served in the Territorial Army for 20 years in the Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps.

Jane’s father, William John Robinson served his country in the Second World War as a Yeoman Signaller and was on board HMS Scorpion which was based off the Allied beaches on D-Day.

Following the event, Jane said: “This was such a proud moment for both myself and my family and it was an honour to light the beacon in Queen’s Park.

“The event is very important to mark the anniversary of D-Day and to pay our respects to those that bravely served and lost their lives.”

Beacon lighting events to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day also took place in Mountsorrel and Syston.

You can find photos from the event in Queen’s Park on the Council’s Flickr album.

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