Two people fined after fly-tipping

Published: Tue 9th July, 2024

Two fines totalling £800 have been issued following reports of fly-tipping in Charnwood.

The borough council is continuing to act against those illegally dumping waste in the area. People are also being encouraged to continue reporting issues.

Fly-tipped domestic waste on Deans Lane in Woodhouse Eaves was reported to the Council on June 10. The fly-tip of black bags and cardboard boxes also contained evidence linking it to an individual from Loughborough who admitted to the offence, leading to a £400 fixed penalty notice.

Another £400 fine was handed out after a builder’s bag of construction waste was discovered on Anstey Lane in Thurcaston on June 12. Evidence was recovered linking it to an address in Anstey. The individual living at the address admitted to paying an unregistered third party to dispose of the waste, which was subsequently fly tipped.

Cllr Liz Blackshaw, lead member for communities and neighbourhoods said: “We will not tolerate fly-tipping in our beautiful borough and I am pleased we are continuing to take action against those who think it is acceptable or do not take responsibility for ensuring their rubbish is disposed of correctly.

“We investigate all reported fly-tips and if enough evidence is recovered than we will take action.”

People have a legal duty of care to take all reasonable steps to ensure their waste is disposed of in the correct way. This includes using authorised waste carriers to dispose of waste and make sure the carrier has a license from the Environment Agency.

You can find out more details on the Council’s website about authorised waste carriers.

People responsible for environmental offences such as fly-tipping and littering in Charnwood will now face higher fines after the Government gave councils the option to increase the fines.

The council decided to increase the fine amounts from July 1, 2024. A 25 per cent discount is available if the notice is paid within 10 days.

The fixed penalty notice rates from July 1, 2024 have increased:

  • Fly-tipping - From £400 to £1000
  • Waste duty of care - From £400 to £600
  • Litter - From £150 to £500 
  • Fly posting and graffiti - From £150 to £500 
  • Non-compliance community protection notice - From £100 to £500 

Further information about the increases to fixed penalty notices can be found on our website.

If you spot a fly-tip in Charnwood or fly-tipping taking place, please report it to us using our online form.