Works to begin on St Michael’s Court, Thurmaston
Published: Mon 10th February, 2025
Works to redevelop a sheltered housing complex in Thurmaston into nine new bungalows will begin in February.
Charnwood Borough Council has chosen Leicestershire-based construction company Mercer Building Solutions to undertake construction of the redevelopment.
The new contract has been awarded following a strict procurement process.
Mercer Building Solutions is a Leicestershire based, privately-owned construction company specialising in the delivery of new-build housing and refurbishment projects.
The company has been in operation since April 2014 and have delivered projects for public and private sector clients in their 10 years of operation.
The first phase of the £2m investment project will be the demolition of the existing buildings, which will take place in late February.
The development is expected to be completed in early 2026.
The proposed bungalows have been designed for people with mobility issues.
St Michael’s Court was built around 1970 and no longer meets the needs of older tenants. The complex comprised mainly of bedsits with shared bathrooms which are difficult to let.
The ageing sheltered accommodation also had long corridors which are difficult for people with mobility issues.
Cllr Colin Hamilton, the Council’s lead member for planning and housing welcomed the news. He said: “I am pleased that the new contract with Mercer Building Solutions is in place, and we look forward to working with them on this important redevelopment.
“It will be exciting to see the creation of nine new bungalows in Thurmaston, and I am positive that the team at Mercer will deliver excellent accommodation for residents and provide them with a high-quality standard of living.”
Katy Mercer, Director of Mercer Building Solutions, said: “We are delighted to be working with Charnwood Borough Council to deliver nine new bungalows designed specifically for people with mobility issues.
“This project reflects our commitment to delivering much needed accessible, high-quality homes.
“We are incredibly proud to be part of this important initiative and look forward to seeing these homes provide a safe and supportive environment for their new residents."
Local businesses and residents are being updated regularly by Mercer and Charnwood Borough Council via hand-delivered letters and regular updates via an email newsletter.
People interested can also register for email updates specifically about the project. To register to receive these, please complete this short sign-up form.
Further information about the development can be found at
The Council manages around 5,500 residential homes across Charnwood.