Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) are issued to deal with certain environmental offences, they are a way of discharging liability and payment of the FPN will mean the case is closed.

If you would like to make a representation (appeal) against a fixed penalty notice you need to complete the link below with a written summary of the grounds for your appeal.

For Littering from Vehicles – you will need to select one of the grounds (A-L) from the rear of the letter you received notifying you that an offence had been witnessed.  You can still use this link but include the letter (A-L) and outline the evidence to support the representation.

The FPN will be placed on hold whilst the appeal grounds are reviewed, and you will then be notified of a decision in writing either by letter or email.

If your appeal is upheld, the FPN will be cancelled, and you will no longer have to pay the FPN. 

If your appeal is not upheld (unsuccessful) then you will be notified in writing either by email or letter and you will be advised on how much you will need to pay.  This will be at the discounted rate for a further period as outlined in your email/letter.

The table below shows the payment rates:

Appeal a fixed penalty notice

Fixed penalty notice offence table (from July 1, 2024)




Fixed Penalty

Discount Rate

Max Penalty on Conviction


Nuisance Parking

S6(1) Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005



Level 4


Abandoning a Vehicle

S2A(1) Refuse Disposal Amenity Act 1978



Level 4



S88(7) Environmental Protection Act 1990



Level 4


Non-compliance of Community Protection Notice

S48 Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014



Level 4

Unlimited fine  for a corporate body


Unauthorised Distribution of Literature

Sch 3A Paragraph 7(5) Environmental Protection Act 1990



Level 4


Fly posting or Graffiti

S43 A (3) Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003





Fail to Produce Authority (Waste Transfer Notes)

S34A Environmental Protection Act 1990



Unlimited fine


Fail to furnish documentation (Waste Carriers Licence)

S5B Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989



Unlimited fine


Waste receptacles and putting waste out

S46 Environmental Protection Act 1990



Civil proceedings


Breach of Public Spaces Protection Order

S67 Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014



Level 3


Unauthorised Waste Disposal

S33 (1) (d) Environmental Protection Act 1990



5 years imprisonment

unlimited fine


Duty of Care

S34 (2C) Environmental Protection Act 1990



Fine up to statutory maximum

Last updated: Tue 9th July, 2024 @ 16:34