Once you have studied, and feel you are ready to book a test, please email licensing@charnwood.gov.uk and include your address and telephone contact number Please do not telephone to make a test booking.

Charnwood Borough Council issues a single licence for drivers, commonly known as a Combined Driver’s licence. 

A Combined Drivers Licence allows you to drive either a Charnwood Borough Council licensed Hackney Carriage or a Private Hire vehicle.

The purpose of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire licensing is to protect the public and promote public safety. Before we can grant a Combined Driver’s licence, we have a duty to establish that you are a fit and proper person.

Prior to applying, you need to be able to provide proof that you meet ALL the following three key criteria.

All applicants must:

  1. Be aged 18 or over
  2. Have held a valid full GB or Northern Ireland driving licence or a valid full EU driving licence for at least 12 months
  3. Be able to work legally in the UK e.g., have a Right to Licence (see Step 1 of process below)
  4. Have obtained any necessary Certificate of Good Conduct if applicable. (translated to English)


Before starting your application, we strongly advise you take time to read all the information about each step, together with the Council’s Hackney Carriage and Private Hire policy.

This will ensure you know:

  • what you need to do
  • when to do it
  • what you need to provide
  • how to do it
  • how much it will cost 

Please find below a simple step-by-step guide to help you through the application process. You MUST follow the steps to ensure your application is valid, complete and you do not incur any unnecessary costs. 

Step 1

At your first Knowledge Test you Must provide your Right to Licence documentation.

1a) Right to Licence Documentation check

Applicants must demonstrate that they have the right to work in the UK and are not subject to a condition preventing them from doing work relating to the carrying on work as a licensed driver. 

You must provide the original document(s) or include your share code on the ‘Right to Licence Identification Documentation and written Consent’ at your first Knowledge test appointment so that the check can take place. You will be sent a form on which to provide this on booking the knowledge test.

On attending the test your document(s) or share code will be checked by a Licensing Enforcement Officer, carrying out the Knowledge Test, the documents will be copied, and a copy retained by the Licensing Authority. The original document(s) will be returned to you. 

The Home Office changed the list of acceptable documents to remove the requirement of EEA passports, national identity cards and specified EEA Regulations documents, which only confirmed the individual’s nationality or that they were exercising EEA Treaty Rights.

An applicant can do this in one of two ways:

  1. By providing their ‘share code’ to enable the Licensing Authority to carry out a check using the Home Office online right to work checking service (see details below); or
  2. By providing a document or document combination that is stipulated as being suitable for this check. The list of documents is set out at on the Home Office right to licence documents list webpage.

Home Office online right to work checking service (Share Code)

As an alternative to providing original documents, applicants may demonstrate their right to work by allowing the Licensing Authority to carry out a check with the Home Office online right to work checking service.

To demonstrate their right to work via the Home Office online right to work checking service, applicants should include in their application their 9-digit share code (provided to them upon accessing the service at www.gov.uk/prove-right-to-work) which, along with the applicant’s date of birth (provided within their application), will allow the Licensing Authority to carry out the check.

Please note the Right to Licence share code is only valid for 30 days.

An online check will not be possible in all circumstances because not all applicants will have an immigration status that can be shared digitally. The Home Office online right to work checking service sets out what information and/or documentation applicants will need to access the service. Applicants who are unable to obtain a share code from the service should submit original documents as set out above.

If there are restrictions on the length of time you may work in the UK, your licence will not be issued for any longer than this period. In such circumstances the check will be repeated each time you apply to renew or extend your licence. If, during this period, you are disqualified from holding a licence because you have not complied with the UK’s immigration laws, your licence will lapse and you must return it to the licensing authority. Failure to do so is a criminal offence.

1b) Knowledge Test

Applicants for a Charnwood, Grant (new) Combined Driver’s licence, are required to pass a knowledge test to help determine your fitness to hold a licence.

The purpose of this test is to make sure that all applicants have a satisfactory knowledge of the Borough of Charnwood and surrounding areas, places of public interest and entertainment, major destinations such as hospitals, supermarkets etc. and the routes to nearby villages. You will also be tested on your knowledge of the Councils Licensing Conditions (Policy), together with Customer Care, basic numeracy, the ability to read, understand and write English. This test will be a mixture of verbal and written questions.

The Council recognises the important role that Hackney Carriages and Private Hire Vehicles, and their drivers play, enabling people to travel safely around the Borough. The Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy sets out the requirements and standards that must be met.

Please read the Knowledge Test Guidance below. This provides guidance, best practice and how to book your knowledge test:

If you do NOT pass the Knowledge test you cannot continue to Step 2.

Once an applicant passes both the verbal and written sections of the Knowledge Test, they will receive a pass certificate, valid for two years, from the date of the test. This will be posted to the applicant along with the application pack.

Step 2 – Requirements of Application

PLEASE NOTE: the requirements listed in Step 2 , a) to f) below, do not have to be completed in any order. You need to hold onto to these documents, as you complete each stage, until such time, you are ready to submit a completed Application Form (see Section 3) and all documents at the same time.

Your ENHANCED Disclosure Barring Service ( DBS) Certificate and GROUP 2 MEDICAL FORM are ONLY valid for a three-month period from the date of issue or the Doctors signature. 

Please do not submit these documents one at a time.

2a) Safeguarding Course

Sit and pass a Safeguarding Course with the Council's current provider. A pass certificate will be deemed acceptable for 12 months from the date of the test.

2b) Practical Driving Test

Sit and pass a Practical Driving Test. All Grant (new)drivers MUST take and pass a practical driving test, specifically for private hire and hackney carriage drivers.  A pass certificate will be deemed acceptable for 12 months from the date of the test. A practical driving test certificate, previously taken with the Council’s approved provider, will be acceptable, if dated within the last 12 months.

2c) Medical

Arrange for a Group 2 DVLA standard medical form to be completed by your GP (such certification must be less than three months from the Doctors signature).

You have options as to who can complete your Group 2 Medical form. You can either:

Make an appointment with your own GP and get them to complete your Charnwood Council Group 2 Medical standards form:


You can make a subject access request to your own GP surgery for your medical summary to be released to you. (This can take up to 28 days). All Doctors are registered either to the General Practitioner register (GP) or they are GMC Registered (General Medical Council) Medical Practitioners. Once you have obtained your medical summary you can approach another GP, or a Doctor registered under (General Medical Council) Medical Practitioners to complete your Group 2 medical standards form.

The GP or Doctor MUST see your medical summary and MUST sign to say they have. You must complete details of your own GP on the form (as to where the medical summary has been obtained from) and then details of the name and address of the Doctor who has completed your medical Group 2 form. Once you have obtained your medical summary from your GP surgery, you must have your Group 2 medical form completed within one month from the date of the medical summary being issued. 

Please note you are required to sign the declaration and consent (section 9 of the form) in the presence of the Doctor.

You may use any Medical Practice or company that carries out Group 2 standard medicals you choose provided that the doctor has sight of a summary of your medical records.

2d) Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Application and DVLA Check

Once you have set in motion your medical being completed, you can contact Taxi Plus to complete your Enhanced DBS Application and DVLA check.

Taxi Plus is an approved umbrella body which has been authorised by Charnwood Borough Council to carry out the DBS application process and DVLA check at this time.

Taxi Plus will only accept a DVLA driving licence issued to your current address. If you have recently moved address, please change this before applying for your DVLA Check. Please ensure your licence is up to date before applying for your checks. Taxi Plus will guide all applicants to obtain the necessary proofs and checks to enable them to apply online.

To apply for your DBS and DVLA Check, you need to type the link below into your computer search bar with www.taxiplus.co.uk/councils/charnwood?rq=charnwood or alternatively contact the Licensing section for the link to be emailed to you. 

If you have any questions about obtaining a DBS check then please view the most frequently asked questions. If your query cannot be resolved by reading the FAQ page, please contact Taxi Plus directly at hello@taxiplus.co.uk. Payment is direct to Taxi Plus. 

Once you have submitted your DBS application to Taxi Plus you will receive an email confirmation and information as to what to do next (e.g., identification documents to be submitted).

2e) DBS Update Service and Consent form

It is a requirement of your licence conditions that you MUST register with the DBS Update Service. Failure to do so will result in you having to apply for a further DBS Certificate at your own expense within a six-month period.

Once registered for the DBS Update Service, fully complete and sign the DBS Update Service Consent Form in your application pack. Only once you have registered for the Update Service, return this form with your completed application form and documentation.

Failure to register may delay your application.

2f) HMRC –Tax Share Code

From 4 April 2022, the rules are changing if you’re applying for a licence for a:

  • taxi driver
  • private hire driver
  • private hire vehicle operator
  • scrap metal site
  • scrap metal collector

If you’re an individual, company or any type of partnership you must confirm you are aware of your tax responsibilities if you’re applying for a licence:

  • for the first time
  • you have already held one but that has not been valid for a year or more

Charnwood Borough Council has included a section within the ‘Grant (New) Driver Application form ‘which includes the following links to HMRC’s guidance about your tax responsibilities

Important: Please visit the GOV.UK website for HMRC guidance about tax registration obligations:

You need to confirm that you are aware of this guidance by reading and signing the HMRC declaration on the application form.

If you do not confirm that you are aware of the guidance, you will not be issued with a licence.

Step 3 - Application Form

Application Form

Once you have passed Steps 1 & 2 above and you have received your original Charnwood Group 2 Medical Form, completed, and signed by the Doctor, and your Enhanced DBS Certificate you are now ready to apply.

The application form can be found below:

Your Combined Driver’s Licence application form MUST be posted to Licensing, Council Offices, Southfield Road, Loughborough, LE11 2TX, with all accompanying documents at the same time. Please do not email these documents - the Enhanced Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) Certificate needs to be the original.

Alternatively, you can drop the documents by hand enveloped and addressed to Licensing in the Council’s letter box or reception desk.

Other Documentation

All documents provided MUST be original.

Please submit the following with your completed application form, which includes your HMRC Tax Check declaration:

  • Completed Group 2 medical form signed and dated by the Doctor
  • The original Enhanced DBS Certificate, which will be returned to you when you collect your Combined Drivers licence and badge
  • DBS Update Service Consent Form, (only once registered for the Update Service) which gives the Licensing section permission to access your DBS details, via the update system 

Other documents required

  • One passport photograph (please write your FULL NAME on the rear of the photo)
  • A Certificate of Good Conduct(s), if required (translated into English and no more than 3 months old at time of presentation).

Any questions or concerns about the application process, please email licensing@charnwood.gov.uk 

Licence Fee

Once your application has been received and accepted as correct and complete, a member of the Licensing section will contact you to take payment over the telephone by Debit or Credit card. Please make sure that the Licensing Section has your correct contact details, i.e., email, telephone number. When Licensing call you it will show as a withheld number.  

Cash payments are not accepted.

Please note an application is not deemed valid until such time as the payment has been received.

Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Fees and Charges

Step 4 - Decision made

Once the Council has received all the above, we will use these to assess your fitness and suitability to be issued with a Combined Driver’s licence. 

If your application has been unsuccessful, you will be advised by letter to the address on your application, giving reasons why. 

The decision process can take up to 15 working days, which includes making your badge and licence ready for collection.

Step 5 - Badge and Licence issued

If you have been granted a licence, you will be notified by email, using the email address on your application. 

You will need to collect your badge and licence from our Council Offices, details of when they will be ready for collection will be in the email. An appointment is necessary.

We will need to validate your identity at the time of collection; so, you need to bring your current valid DVLA licence. If you do not have a photographic DVLA licence you will need to bring some form of photographic identification along with your paper DVLA licence e.g., passport.

Last updated: Wed 8th January, 2025 @ 11:07