There are many ways that businesses can reduce their impact on the environment, particularly by using resources and raw materials more efficiently and cutting the use of fossil fuels in favour of lower carbon approaches.
Our partners at Climate Change East Midlands have produced a free guide for business owners called Weathering the Storm (PDF Document, 1.57 Mb), on how to face a future of climatic change in a positive way.
Resource efficiency
We have been at the forefront of developing a Resource Efficiency Toolkit for Business, which contains many useful links for organisations wishing to improve their sustainability. Register your business for access to our efficiency toolkit for small & medium sized businesses.
Design your future with our Design Awards
Our Design Award scheme aims to recognise the excellent work of owners, agents and contractors on a wide range of development and conservation projects within the borough.
The awards are an important part of encouraging and promoting the ever-improving standards of design in the built environment.
Anyone can nominate a project for consideration and entries are accepted in five categories; new buildings, conservation, landscape, sustainable construction, special awards.
Last updated: Mon 30th July, 2018 @ 13:51