Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) and Discretionary Council Tax Support (DCTS) are short term awards, made at the discretion of the Council, to assist customers with shortfalls in housing costs or council tax.

The purpose of discretionary payments is to ensure that customers who claim housing benefit, the housing element of Universal Credit or council tax support do not suffer hardship when there is a shortfall between the amount of assistance they receive and the amount of rent and council tax they are liable to pay.  

Discretionary payments can be made to:

  • Top up shortfalls between rent liability and the amount of housing benefit or the housing element included in Universal Credit you receive

  • Offer a rent deposit and/or rent in advance when a customer who is already receiving Housing Benefit or the housing element included in Universal Credit begins renting a new property

  • Contribute towards moving costs under some circumstances where a customer is already receiving Housing Benefit, or the housing element included in Universal Credit, begins renting a new property 

  • Top up the shortfall between Council Tax liability and the amount of Local Council Tax Support you receive

Central Government allocates how much funding Charnwood Borough Council receives in the annual Discretionary Housing Payment budget, whilst the Discretionary Council Tax Support scheme is funded by the Council.

Once the allocated funding has been used for the year, we cannot make any new awards until the next financial year so not all claims will be successful.

How to apply

Each application will be considered individually, and a decision will be made based on the financial and personal circumstances of each case. You may be asked to provide additional information to support the application.

If you need assistance with your application or you would like to request a form be sent to you, please contact us immediately.

Apply online

Read the Discretionary Payments Policy

Last updated: Thu 6th June, 2024 @ 09:26