Based on the different factors that influence how we set our priorities we have established a detailed set of criteria that measure our performance. We are currently reviewing our service standards to ensure that they meet the requirements of the Regulators' Code.
Dealing with complaints of environmental nuisance
Every year we respond to between 1,800 and 2,200 complaints and requests for help. We have various targets which we have set to try to deliver the best service we can within the resources we have available to us:
- We have set target response times for us to respond to different categories of complaint based on the seriousness and impact of the complaint.
- We have set a target for the proportion of complaints that our customers tell us have been either solved or improved following our intervention.
- We monitor how we perform against the four criteria in the Customer Strategy - namely quality, responsiveness, accessibility and value for money.
The latest summary for performance figures are listed here, along with the summary of performance figures for the last couple of years:
- Performance figures summary for Qrt 3 (October to December 2018) (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
- Performance figures summary for Qrt 2 (July to September 2018) (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
- Environmental protection performance 2017/18 (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
- Ep Performance 2014-16 (Word Document, 0.1 Mb)
Taking action to reduce and prevent environmental pollution
We have legal powers to deal with known sources of pollution that may have a potential health impact specifically in relation to:
- Air pollution released from certain types of industrial activity.
- Land contamination produced during previous eras when there were fewer controls over sources of pollution.
We are consulted by Planning Authorities, the Environment Agency and the Licensing Authority about applications for developments or licenses that may have an impact on the local community or the environment.
All of these agencies are usually working to tight deadlines to process the applications and require speedy but detailed responses. We therefore have a target time in which to respond to all applications.
Customer feedback and consultation
Much of what we do is defined by law, however we do have some discretion about how we do it. We carry out regular feedback surveys to try to elicit how the service can be improved.
As well as using this as a tool to measure how we are performing, we have also used the information we gathered as as part of a three yearly review of the service.
Last updated: Thu 3rd January, 2019 @ 16:40