Building regulations set minimum performance standards in the design and construction of buildings, to ensure the health and safety of people in and around those buildings.
They also incorporate measures to conserve fuel & power and to make sure that facilities are accessible for everyone.
It is recognised that some types of building and items of work present no risk to the health & safety of people that use or live nearby. As a result the Regulations do not apply to certain works.
Written confirmation about exempt work
We now offer a service to provide written confirmation that works carried out or planned are exempt from a building regulation application. We make a small charge to cover our costs for this service which you can find out by contacting us.
We often receive requests to confirm work is exempt; normally this is to assist when selling a house. If you need a certificate confirming that a part of your property is exempt from the building regulations, then please make an application using the form below.
- Exempt Work application form and checklist (Word Document, 0.37 Mb)
A site visit will most likely be needed as we cannot confirm without checking the built/proposed structure. Please don't forget to pay careful attention to any electrics during your build and remember the importance of electrical safety.
Last updated: Tue 11th October, 2022 @ 12:19