Mandatory HMO licensing

Mandatory HMO licensing is a nationwide scheme has been in force since 2006 and will continue indefinitely. It applies to HMOs that have five or more occupiers.

Additional HMO licensing

This scheme which is local to Charnwood and was introduced in 2023 will last for five years unless renewed.

It applies to all Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) occupied by three or four persons and to certain buildings converted into self-contained flats (known as ‘Section 257’ HMOs).

You can apply online for this scheme online. To apply, visit the apply for a selective or HMO licence web page.

More information about HMO Licensing schemes can be found in the cabinet report below:
Cabinet Report 10.03.22 - Private Sector Licensing Schemes (PDF Document, 1.38 Mb)

Last updated: Mon 24th June, 2024 @ 09:44