If you have been experiencing domestic abuse and are having difficulties with your housing situation, you might find the following information useful.
Getting help
If you are experiencing psychological, physical, sexual or financial abuse from a current partner, an ex-partner or a family member, you can get help with your situation.
Living Without Abuse (LWA) can provide specialist advice and support to people who are experiencing domestic abuse. If you need to leave your home because you are at risk, you may be referred to a refuge. A refuge is a place of safety where you can receive intensive support.
If you need advice and support you can contact the LWA helpline on 0808 8020 028 or the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247.
If you are in danger and need help in an emergency, you should contact the Police on 999.
Staying in your home
If you want to stay in your home, it may be possible for extra security measures to be installed to make it safer for you live there. This could include extra locks or panic alarms. UAVA can provide further information about security measures.
You could consider applying for an injunction such as a non-molestation order or an occupation order to help stop the perpetrator from contacting you or coming to your home.
If you have your own tenancy and it is safe for you to stay in your home but you are finding it difficult to manage (for example having problems paying your rent or other bills) you might benefit from tenancy support. The Bridge offers services can provide support to any tenant living in Charnwood. Charnwood Borough Council's Tenancy Support service can provide support to vulnerable Council Tenants, including those who are vulnerable as a result of experiencing domestic abuse.
Finding a new home
You can apply or ask to be referred for supported accommodation. Some accommodation providers in Charnwood can support people who have experienced domestic abuse to build up their skills and confidence and help them to get ready for their own independent tenancy in the future.
You can look for a tenancy in the Private Rented Sector. Charnwood Borough Council's Social Lettings Service might be able to help you secure a tenancy with a private landlord in Charnwood.
You can apply for a tenancy with a . If you have a local connection to Charnwood you may be able to join Charnwood Borough Council's Housing Register. If you do not have a local connection to Charnwood but are unable to reside in any of the areas where you do have a connection due to being at risk, you may still be able to join Charnwood Borough Council's Housing Register.
Further advice and assistance
If you are homeless, or think you may be at risk of becoming homeless in the next 56 days, please contact the Housing Options Team as soon as possible for further advice and assistance. They can talk to you about your housing situation, housing needs and housing related support needs and may be able to help you stay in your home or find a new home. If you are homeless and vulnerable as a result of having to leave accommodation due to violence (or threats of violence that are likely to be carried out), the Housing Options Team might be able to offer you temporary accommodation so that you have somewhere to live whilst you are trying to find a new home.
For independent housing advice you can contact The Bridge or Charnwood Citizen's Advice Bureau.
The following organisations may be able to provide you with further information or advice:
Last updated: Mon 19th February, 2024 @ 12:20