Any key decisions which are due to be taken by officers (if any) will be notified and updated here.
Key Decisions in progress:
The following Key Decisions were taken by the Director Housing and Wellbeing on 27th February 2024:
DD039 - Lightbulb Service Extension 2024-25 (PDF Document, 0.12 Mb)
DD040 - Refugee Resettlement Service Extension (PDF Document, 0.12 Mb)
Unless called in under Scrutiny Committee Procedure 11.7, the decisions will come into effect at noon on 5th March 2024.
Key Decisions complete:
The following Key Decision was taken by the Chief Executive on 1st November 2023:
DD191 - Revs and Bens Staffing Sep 23 (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on 8th November 2023.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Chief Executive on 24th August 2023:
DD157 - Housing Standards Team - September 2023 (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on 4th September 2023.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Head of Leisure and Culture on 14th October 2022 and published on 17th October 2022:
- DD163 - Museum Partnership Agreement (PDF Document, 1.34 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on 24th October 2022.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Strategic Director; Environmental and Corporate Services on 9th June 2022:
- DD098 - Discretionary business rate reliefs_2022update (PDF Document, 0.17 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on 16th June 2022.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Head of Planning and Regeneration on 1st March 2022:
- DD040 - Alpine House Surgery S106 (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on 8th March 2022.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Head of Cleansing and Open Spaces on 3rd March 2022:
- DD042 - Garden Waste Collection Charges 2022-23 (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
The decision came into immediate effect as the Head of Cleansing and Open Spaces had obtained agreement to exempt from call-in from the Chair of the Scrutiny Commission.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Head of Planning and Regeneration on 23rd November 2021:
- DD205 - Statement of Common Ground Strategic Warehousing and Logistics Land Needs (PDF Document, 0.42 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on 30th November 2021.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Head of Planning and Regeneration on 22nd April 2021:
- DD073 - Statement of Common Ground April 2021 (PDF Document, 1.95 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on 29th April 2021.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Head of Planning and Regeneration on 14th January 2021:
- DD008 - Section 106 Monies Police Loughborough Jan 2021 (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on 21st January 2021.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Head of Neighbourhood Services on 28th August 2020:
- DD139 S106 Monies Rothley Centre (PDF Document, 1.71 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on 8th September 2020.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Strategic Director of Corporate Services on 3rd June 2020:
- DD082 - Charnwood Discretionary Business Grant Fund (PDF Document, 0.22 Mb)
The decision is immediately effective, having been exempted from call-in in accordance with the required procedure.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Strategic Director of Corporate Services on 8th August 2019:
- Officer Key Decision - Transitional Business Rate Relief 2019-20 (PDF Document, 1.51 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on 15th August 2019.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Strategic Director of Corporate Services on 14th September 2018:
- Officer KDD - Transitional Business Rate Relief (PDF Document, 1.75 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on 21st September 2018.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Head of Cleansing and Open Spaces on 14th June 2018:
- Officer Key Decision - Bring Sites (Signed) (PDF Document, 1.47 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on 21st June 2018.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Head of Planning and Regeneration on 11th May 2018:
- Signed Officer KD Llep Bid Loughborough Regeneration (PDF Document, 0.64 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on 18th May 2018.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Head of Cleansing and Open Spaces on 21st March 2018 and published on 22nd March 2018:
- Dd - Garden Waste Collection Charges 2018-19 (Signed) (PDF Document, 0.36 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on 29th March 2018.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Head of Neighbourhood Services on 15th March 2018:
- Dd - Signed Birstall Community Meeting Hall S106 Monies (PDF Document, 1.4 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on 22nd March 2018.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Head of Neighbourhood Services on 18th January 2018:
- Signed Kd - Syston Cemetery S106 Monies (PDF Document, 1.21 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on 25th January 2018.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Chief Executive on Wednesday 21st September 2016:
- Dd - Support for the Better Care Fund 2016 17 (Signed) - Sep16 (PDF Document, 1.44 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on 28th September 2016.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Head of Neighbourhood Services on Monday 4th July 2016:
- Dd039 - Allocation of Mountsorrel S106 Monies (PDF Document, 2.46 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on Monday 11th July 2016.
The following Key Decision was taken by the Head of Cleansing and Open Spaces on Thursday 17th March 2016:
- Dd - Increase in Garden Waste Collection Charge (PDF Document, 0.11 Mb)
- Dd - Increase in Garden Waste Collection Charge Background Paper (PDF Document, 0.21 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on Thursday 24th March 2016.
The following Key Decision was taken on Thursday 24th September 2015:
- Dd - Anstey S106 Mitchell's Field Project - Signed (PDF Document, 2.78 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on Thursday 1st October 2015.
The following Key Decision was taken on Thursday 15th January 2015:
- Dd - S106 Monies - Rawlins Academy Fit for Life Project - Jan 2015 - Signed (PDF Document, 1.85 Mb)
The decision came into effect at noon on Thursday 22nd January 2015.
The following Urgent Key Decision was taken on Friday 16th January 2015:
- Dd - Participation of Charnwood Borough Council in the Leicester and Leicestershire Business Rates Pool for 2015-16 (PDF Document, 0.46 Mb)
The decision was exempt from call in and therefore took immediate effect.
Notice of the following Urgent Key Decision was given on Friday 15th May 2015.
- Dd016 - Recyclate and Green Waste Contract (PDF Document, 6.31 Mb)
The decision was exempted from call in and came into immediate effect on Wednesday 27th May 2015. The following General Exception Notice accompanied the decision:
- General Exception Notice 201516 - Recyclate and Green Waste Contract (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
Notice of the following Urgent Key Decision was given on Tuesday 19th May 2015.
- Dd019 - Housing Repairs Stores Contract (PDF Document, 0.24 Mb)
The decision was exempted from call in and came into immediate effect on Thursday 28th May 2015. The following General Exception Notice accompanied the decision:
- General Exception Notice 201516 - Housing Repairs Stores Contract (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
Last updated: Tue 27th February, 2024 @ 15:36