The Local Transport Plans (LTPs) for Leicestershire hope to reduce traffic problems in sustainable ways, by developing transport measures, such as facilities for public transport, walking and cycling and necessary highway schemes. Key amongst these are Travel Plan initiatives.
Travel plan initiatives
A travel plan is a set of measures to develop sustainable travel within an organization, with the emphasis on reducing reliance on car travel for trips to work or school, trips by visitors, deliveries etc and promoting use of greener fleet vehicles.
An effective travel plan can also reduce transport costs, contribute to better health, and improve an organisation's image.
The measures applied vary but usually include:
- Providing safe and secure cycle parking
- Providing lockers and showering facilities
- Encouraging car sharing
- Use of pool vehicles
- Negotiating public transport discounts and more.
Initiatives are being developed locally. Some are voluntary with others required as part of planning permission for new developments which will generate significant travel movements.
For further information please telephone 01163 057178 or 01509 634762
Leicestershire LTP 3 (March 2011)
The County Council's third transport plan for the County covers the whole of Charnwood. The new plan comprises a long term strategy for the county to 2026.
The long term vision for the countywide transport system is for:
"Leicestershire to be recognised as a place that has a first class transport system that enables economic and social travel in ways that improve people’s health, safety and prosperity, as well as their environment and quality of life."
Whilst the County’s transport system is considered generally in good repair, safe and performing well there are areas for improvement notably around congestion, improving accessibility and road safety, and reducing the social and environmental impacts of traffic and our transport system.
Issues to be considered in Charnwood
- Congestion on key routes into Leicester and Loughborough, with focus on completing the cycle route network and better bus stops on main routes. It is acknowledged improvements in journey time may be mainly due to the economic downturn reducing travel demand.
- Journeys to work are dominated by car use probably due to rising car ownership, higher public transport fares and the County’s rural character. The worst local hot-spots are the M1 northbound around Loughborough and the A46 north-east of Leicester.
- Significant increases in bus travel have fallen back in recent years with the economic downturn. Recent surveys suggest some local bus services have poor punctuality and information is unsatisfactory.
- A 16% increase in cycling trips. Despite these increases above targets significant barriers remain with busy roads, poor surfaces, bad weather and a perception other road users do not give adequate consideration to cyclists.
- Outside the Leicester Principal Urban Area there is often limited bus access to employment centres especially for shift workers.
- The borough is better served than more rural areas for bus access to most services. Reduced numbers of children travel to school by car.
- Successful efforts to contain levels of traffic growth in Loughborough have not had the anticipated beneficial impact on air quality.
- The need to support the economies of County Towns including the delivery of Town Centre Masterplans.
Last updated: Wed 25th November, 2020 @ 09:32