A new Mayor is chosen each year to fulfil two important roles:
- To chair the meetings of Council
- To be First Citizen of the Borough
Chairman of Council
As Chairman of Council, the Mayor is responsible for seeing that our meetings are conducted in a seemly manner in accordance with our constitution. They also carry a casting vote in the event of a tied vote.
First Citizen of the Borough
As First Citizen of the Borough the Mayor acts as our principal ambassador and will attend around 500 engagements each year. This will include hosting annual events such as:
- The Civic Church Service
- The opening of Loughborough Fair
- Welcoming royalty and distinguished visitors to the borough
- Hosting receptions for local organisations
- Launching our initiatives
- Visiting local groups and companies at their invitation, often to mark a significant event
More information can be found by using the links below. If there is something in particular that you wish to know about the Mayoralty, then do not hesitate to contact the Mayor's Office.
Mayoralty links
If you are interested in the mayoralty you may also wish to visit these sites:
- Her Majesty's Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire
- Official website of the British Monarchy
- The Guild of Mace-Bearers
- The National Association of Civic Officers
Last updated: Tue 14th May, 2024 @ 10:53