You can object or make a representation on applications for a new premises licence or club premises certificate or to a variation of those licences or certificates.
A form is available at the bottom of the page which should be completed and returned to us. The address is on the form along with some guidance notes.
Comments must be received during the consultation period of the application, usually 28 days. The closing date of the consultation will be on the advertisement of the application and a copy will be displayed on the premises the application is subject to.
Other bodies such as the police, fire service and the council itself can also make representations.
For a representation to be considered relevant, it must:
- Relate to one or more of the four Licensing Objectives
- Be submitted within the consultation period
- Not be frivolous, repetitive or vexatious in nature, ie intended to cause aggravation without good cause
The four Licensing Objectives are as follows:
- Prevention of crime and sisorder
- Prevention of public nuisance
- Public safety
- Protection of children from harm
Representation forms can be submitted by email at If you experience any issues with the representation form, please contact us and a member of the team will be in touch.
Related Documents (1)
- Licensing Representation Form (Word Document, 0.1 Mb)
Last updated: Wed 24th February, 2021 @ 10:31