This consultation has now closed.
A section of Shelthorpe Golf Course, Poplar Road is the second of the three viable options for a new cemetery.
Details about the Shelthorpe Golf Course on Poplar Road:
- 9.4 hectare site in total
- 3.6 hectares would be used as a cemetery
- provide burial space for 109 years (approx. 6,500 spaces)
- cost to get up and running and for one hectare: £550,000 approx (including access road)
- remaining nine holes could be improved at an approximate cost of £100,000
The 18-hole golf course is owned by the council and operated by the Council’s contractor, idverde.
The site is a total of 9.4 hectares however the Council could develop 3.6 hectares for burial use and retain the remaining area as an improved nine-hole golf course.
While this proposal will lead to a reduction in scale of the existing golf course, the Council believes it could be an opportunity to develop an improved facility based around nine holes.
Existing site access and car park off Poplar Road is poor and a new vehicular access and car parking would need to be developed.
The site is already covered by the Council’s grounds maintenance contract.
The site would require a new depot and toilet facility. However, they could form part of a new golf pavilion.
The total site is worth around £4.4 million as development land for residential properties.
Last updated: Mon 24th September, 2018 @ 09:23