Frequently asked questions about the pest control service can be found below:
Why is there a charge when it was previously free?
The provision of a pest control is not a statutory service that the council have to provide and only 5 out of the 9 Leicestershire local authorities still offer a pest control service. All of those have charging in place for rodents.
The only legal requirement is that we make sure people take appropriate steps to deal with rats and mice. Following a pest control service review in 2020, the council still wanted to be able to assist residents in dealing with rats and mice. We already charge for other pest control services and it was decided to have a nominal charging system for rodents to allow us to continue in assisting the residents of Charnwood in dealing with pests. This is not a full cost recovery charge and to employ the services of a private contractor would be significantly more.
Can I carry out my own pest control treatment?
Yes, you can but you must ensure that you follow the product labels correctly and regularly check. The rodenticides that you can buy are also a reduced strength to the professional products that we use. They will be effective, as long as you follow the instructions.
Can I use a private pest control contractor?
Yes, you are advised to use one that are members of the NPTA (National Pest Technicians Association) or the BPCA (British Pest Control Association).
What if I don’t do anything?
If you don’t do anything then there is a public health risk associated with rats and mice that you may be subjecting your family, friends and even neighbours to. If you don’t do anything and the rodents are coming from your property and affecting others, such as neighbours, then the Council may start an investigation and take action for not effectively dealing with rats and mice on your property.
What do I do if I am a tenant (private housing and Council housing)?
You, as a tenant, have a responsibility to occupy the property in a way that does not encourage rats or mice. If you have identified a structural problem that may be allowing the ingress of rats and mice, then you need to inform your landlord and ask them to carry out a repair and a treatment if required. Your landlord can contact to book a treatment on your behalf. If there is nothing obvious, then you are advised to book a treatment and if there is anything that your landlord needs to do to deal with this infestation then we will work with you, and the landlord, to ensure that it is resolved.
What if it someone else causing a problem?
If you live near a water course or in a rural area, then it unlikely that there is a lot that can be done to eradicate rodents from the surrounding area. We generally do not carry out treatments in public areas. You are advised to still carry out a treatment and our pest control officers can advise you how to reduce the attraction or possible access to your property or garden.
Business activity
Complete the online contact form if there are concerns regarding rodents coming from a neighbouring business property. However, this may take time and you are still advised to undertake a treatment if you have rodents on your property. If we identify that there is a problem elsewhere relating to your rodent infestation the we can raise this with the relevant team on your behalf.
Neighbour activity
This is often a bit of a sensitive issue and whether you want to start a complaint investigation straight away regarding your neighbour. If you continue with the council pest control team to carry out a rodent treatment at your property, then if the pest control officer feels that he needs to visit a neighbouring property (as long as you have given your permission to do so) then we will attempt to access for a free of charge survey / assessment visit. If there is an issue, they will be advised what needs to be done and if appropriate offered our services at a charge, if relevant). If they do not carry out these works or treatment and the situation does not improve for you then the matter will be referred through to one of our enforcement teams on your behalf.
External rats – Number of Properties
When there is a rat external problem identified you are advised to speak to your neighbours as it maybe that someone is already trying to treat themselves. We do not need to visit all properties experiencing an issue in these circumstances and it is something you could get together with your neighbour on and try identify where the rodents are being seen the most and if there are any burrows or runways that can be identified that will be easier for the pest control officer to treat from.
Last updated: Mon 12th August, 2024 @ 13:08