Below are details relating to recent and current petitions received by us.

The Council recognises that other online electronic petition facilities are available and will accept these where it can identify that the people signing the petition either live, work or study in the Borough and are of voting age (currently 18 years old) in English Local Authority elections.

Current e-petitions

Past petitions (pre-2022)

Petitions received in 2025/26

Anti-Social Behaviour - Old Hall Close, Thurmaston

Lead Petitioner: Annette Moore

Number of Signatures: 22

Date Submitted: 29.01.2025


Thank you for taking the time to submit this petition, Charnwood Borough Council is aware of the impact the anti-social behaviour in your area is having on you and other residents on Old Hall Close. Charnwood Borough is fully committed to protecting the most vulnerable in our communities, taking effective action against any identified perpetrators of anti-social behaviour using the incremental approach and the tools and powers available to us.

Your petition has highlighted the true impact on the community of Old Hall Close, and that further work is still required to bring peace back to the community.

While Charnwood Borough Council are unable to comment on individual tenancy agreements, I would like to assure you that work is ongoing to reduce anti-social behaviour in your area. Steps on the incremental approach have been taken, and this process will continue to be followed throughout our investigations. We will remain in contact with residents of Old Hall Close throughout our investigations and update them at every opportunity.”

If you are a resident of Old Hall Close, Thurmaston and are experiencing any anti-social behaviour, please do not hesitate to contact the council by completing our online ASB reporting form which can be found at Anti-social behaviour - Charnwood Borough Council if you click on the relevant form of anti-social behaviour it will take you to the page to complete an on line report. Alternatively, you can call 01509 634666 to make a report.

Petitions received in 2024/25

Empty Property on Wheatland Drive, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 2AR

Lead Petitioner: Councillor Anne Gray / Hawley & Rodgers Solicitors

Number of Signatures: 20

Date Submitted: 10.10.2024


The council recognises that empty homes can have negative impacts on neighbourhoods and communities and aims to work with owners of empty homes to reduce these and bring empty homes back into use.

Where an empty home is identified, the council will encourage the owner to bring the home back into use and offer advice and assistance with doing so. The advice and assistance will depend on the circumstances of the case. Examples may include: 

•  Advice on works required to bring the property up to standard

•  Assistance with the cost of works to bring the property up to standard

•  Advice on letting the property

•  Assistance to find a tenant for the property

•  Advice on selling the property.

In more problematic cases, for example where an empty home poses an imminent risk to health and safety and the owner is unable or unwilling to deal with the issues or bring the home back into use, the council will consider enforcement action. The action will depend on the circumstances of the case. Examples may include:

  • Empty Dwelling Management Orders – where the council takes over management of the property for a period and works with the owner to bring the property back into use (an application for this type of order would only be made where other methods of bringing the home back into use have been
  • unsuccessful and where it can be demonstrated that the public benefit outweighs the private loss, an application cannot be approved in some circumstances, for example the property is a holiday home or where an owner is absent from the property because they are receiving personal care)
  • Compulsory Purchase Orders – where the council acquires the property and brings the property back into use (an application for this type of order would only be made as a last resort, where other methods of bringing the home back into use have been unsuccessful, and where it can be demonstrated that the public benefit outweighs the private loss)
  • Enforced Sale – where the council enforces the sale of the property to recover debts owed to the council relating to the property (the sale is also likely to result in the home being brought back into use).

The council’s Housing Standards service deal with complaints about private sector properties, including empty homes. A search of records relating to previous complaints has been carried out and no previous complaints relating to this property as an empty home have been identified.

The Housing Standards Team will make attempts to contact the owner of this property to encourage them to bring the property back into use and to offer advice and assistance, and will consider appropriate enforcement action if necessary.

Petitions received in 2023/24

Anti-Social Behaviour, Byron Street

Lead Petitioner: Councillor Sandra Forrest

Number of Signatures: 82

Date Submitted: 06.11.2023


Charnwood Borough Council and the Charnwood Community Safety Partnership are fully committed to protecting the most vulnerable in our communities and taking effective action against any identified perpetrators of anti-social behaviour.

Charnwood Borough Council is one of the five relevant authorities that under section 17 of the Crime & Disorder Act 1998 form the Charnwood Community Safety Partnership. The other agencies that have a duty to sit alongside the council in fulfilling this duty are:
• Leicestershire Police
• National Probation Service
• Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
• Leicestershire Fire & Rescue Services

Byron Street is located within a Priority Neighbourhood, as declared by the council, and sits within the area of the Leicestershire Police Beat 65. In response to emerging issues of crime and anti-social behaviour in this location, the Community Safety Partnership in 2017 introduced a multiagency meeting known as the Loughborough East Delivery Group (LEDG).

This meeting forum sits regularly and takes a targeted approach focused on reducing the number of victims of crime and disorder and bringing to justice those individuals that are identified as committing criminal offences and behaviour of an anti-social nature.

Upon receipt of this petition, an anti-social behaviour case review was undertaken by officers with the aim of understanding the problem profile as identified by the residents themselves. This review has focused upon all reported incidents of anti-social behaviour within Byron Street between 1st January 2023 and the 19th November 2023.

With due regard to the above relevant time frame, a search of the Sentinel database has been completed. For the benefit of residents, Sentinel is a multi-agency ASB case recording and case management system that is shared between Charnwood Borough Council and Leicestershire Police. That search has highlighted that from 1st January 2023 – 19th November 2023, Charnwood Borough Council received no complaints of anti-social behaviour from the residents of Byron Street.

Officers have identified that residents have made two complaints of anti-social behaviour to Leicestershire Police. Incident 138010 was reported to the police on 1st March 2023 and incident 142868 reported on 11th October 2023. Both incidents refer to the anti-social use of motorcycles in Byron Street, but unfortunately, no offenders have been identified. Police data provided as part of this review, has highlighted an ongoing issue of motorcycle related anti-social behaviour – within the wider vicinity of the Warwick Way estate and the police have been seeking enforcement opportunities in an attempt to combat this behaviour.

Even though the council has not received any complaints of anti-social behaviour, on behalf of our Community Safety Partnership, we have agreed the following actions:

1. The Loughborough East Delivery Group (LEDG) will carry out a review of anti-social behaviour within the vicinity of Byron Street and the wider Warwick Way estate.
2. This issue will remain on the agenda at future LEDG meetings.
3. Given Charnwood Borough Council has no ownership of the road network within this location, Leicestershire County Council Highways will also be consulted so that the group can consider any possible remedies in respect of traffic calming measures.
4. The LEDG will create a partnership action plan focused upon preventing anti-social behaviour, taking positive action against identified perpetrators and building community confidence with Byron Street and the wider locality of Warwick Way estate.
5. The LEDG will provide the Community Safety Partnership leadership team with regular updates as to the positive progress being made. Updates will also be provided to local councillors that can be shared with residents.

I sincerely hope that my response and the above action plan offers both you, as the elected member submitting this petition, and those residents who are signatories therein, the reassurances that positive action will be undertaken to increase public confidence.

Further information on our role in dealing with anti-social behaviour can be found on our website using the following link: Anti-social behaviour - Charnwood Borough Council I would ask that residents report any anti-social behaviour offences to Leicestershire Police or Charnwood Borough Council using the following links:

Leicestershire Police
Charnwood Borough Council

Electric Car Charging Points in all Charnwood Carparks

Lead Petitioner: County Councillor Daniel Grimley

Number of Signatures: 6

Date Submitted: 21.06.2023


Charnwood Borough Council was an early adopter of Electric Vehicle Charge points having installed a public charger in Beehive car park in 2012. This is a dual 7kW fast Charger. We also have EV chargers for our Street management all electric wardens vehicles (since 2014).
We have worked in partnership with the national highways authority to site a 50kW dual ‘rapid’ charger on Sileby car park.
Priority for new charge point installation has been given to those car park sites owned by Charnwood Borough Council where they meet the funding criteria. In particular, schemes to support householders who do not have access to driveways to charge an Electric Vehicle have been prioritised.
Projects Charnwood Borough Council are currently working on or supporting:

1. ORCS (On-Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme) – Sileby and Anstey
ORCS is a government funded scheme to provide Electric Vehicle infrastructure for residents that do not have driveways and therefore cannot charge vehicles from their homes.
ORCS funding has been awarded to CBC and a contractor procured for: Anstey 4 x fast dual units, Sileby 3 x fast dual units
Installation to be completed approximately September 2023

2. Beehive and Southfields Offices Charge Electric Vehicle Charge Points (EVCPs)
Further expansion of EVCPs at Beehive Lane and Southfields Offices car parks scheduled by Spring 2024

3. Flex-D solar hubs partly using Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) funding
CBC is part of a Leicestershire wide project which has been awarded LEVI funding for the installation of Solar canopies, battery storage and EV charge points in Public car parks throughout the County.

4. LEVI Funding LCC on street EVCPs
LCC are leading on a project for on-street residential charge points. LCC have been awarded funding through the government’s LEVI (Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure) scheme. CBC will have little involvement other than discussions on the proposed on-street site locations – All sites being on County Council Highways
Further electric vehicle charge point installations will be considered once this tranche of projects is complete.

Petitions received in 2022/23

Petition regarding New Leader, Be Brave, Make the Cabinet Democratic

Lead Petitioner: Richard Guise 

Number of Signatures: 24

Date Submitted: 06.03.2023


Thank you for submitting a petition about the composition of the Cabinet following the May 2023 elections.

The Local Government Act 2000 and the Council’s Constitution require the Council to appoint a Leader of the Council at the start of each Council term.  The appointment runs for a term of fours years.  The appointment is normally for the whole of the Council term but the Constitution sets out the circumstances in which the appointment may end.

The Cabinet must consist of between three and ten councillors (including the Leader) and it is for the Leader to decide their own Cabinet rather than it being agreed by the full Council, and similarly the Leader must appoint a Deputy Leader who will act in their absence.

There is no requirement in law for the makeup of the Cabinet composition  to be based on proportionality rules.  It is common practice for the Cabinet to be made up of councillors from the ruling ‘administration’.

The Council recognises that other online electronic petition facilities are available and will accept these where it can identify that the people signing the petition either live, work or study in the Borough and are of voting age (currently 18 years old) in English Local Authority elections.

Last updated: Mon 17th February, 2025 @ 15:00