Please note: If you have any issues accessing the public register webpages below, email  with your query and we will send you details directly.

The licensing register holds the details of all current licences issued by Charnwood Borough Council.

How to use the Public Register of Licences

To view the public register of licences, simply click on the link below.

Access the Public Register of Licences

If you do not know the licence number you can also search using other criteria for example by surname, vehicle make, premises name etc.

What are Designated Vehicles?

These are Taxis which can carry passengers who want or need to remain seated in a wheelchair without charging any extra for doing so. For more information please visit our designated wheelchair accessible vehicles webpage.

If you have any queries regarding the use of this public register service or would like any help then please email us at .

Last updated: Mon 28th October, 2024 @ 13:31