The Borough Council currently operates retail, Bric-a-Brac, and farmers markets at Loughborough (Market Place, Devonshire Square, and adjacent streets) and Shepshed (Hallcroft).

Any market that is operated other than by the Charnwood Borough Council, within six and two-thirds miles of the council run markets - shall be deemed a “rival market”.

A market shall be deemed a rival market irrespective of the type of goods sold or the general nature of the market. The legal definition of a market being “a concourse of buyers and sellers” and must have a minimum of five stalls (section 37 of The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1982) shall apply in determining whether an event such as Car Boot Sales, Antique Fairs, Craft Fairs etc., shall be deemed rival markets.

Local Pop-up Markets

Local pop-up markets can operate in Charnwood, providing they have no more than four stalls up to 10 ft in size each. This would mean it falls below the minimum size definition of a market, and would therefore not be seen as a rival market under the charter which covers Loughborough Markets.

A temporary market, which is defined in legal terms as a concourse of buyers and sellers, must have a minimum of five stalls (section 37 of The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982).

Terms and Conditions

Licensing policy

The Borough Council has approved a policy outlining conditions under which licences will be issued to operators, allowing rival markets to be held. Any person who wishes to operate a rival market may only do so if the Borough Council has licensed such a market.

Licences shall not be issued for rival markets, which are intended for the sale of new goods of a general retail and miscellaneous market nature.

Car boot sales shall be restricted to householders selling surplus household articles; no new or “bought-in” goods will be permitted.

Any rival market organisation, which in the opinion of the council contravenes, either directly or indirectly, any of these conditions, shall not be issued with further licences to operate rival markets.

Licence fees

In respect of a rival market organised by a non-commercial operator (including Car Boot Sales):

  • Daily licence rate = £34.39
  • No event to exceed three days duration

 In respect of rival markets organised by a commercial operator (including Car Boot Sales):

  • Daily licence rate = £338.65
  • Admin fee per CANCELLED rival market = £50.00
  • No event to exceed one day

For the purpose of the above, the term “non-commercial operator” shall be defined as an organisation of a charitable, social, sporting, religious or political nature. All other organisations shall be classed as commercial.

All fees came in to place from April 1, 2024.

Licence applications 

To apply, please email  and an application form will be sent to you.

Completed forms must be returned to , so as to arrive not less than fourteen days before the date of the event. Once approved, you will be invoiced for the required fee.

Application forms for “charitable” events must be completed and signed by a person who is an official or member of that particular charity i.e. Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer.

We also ask that you follow our event notification process, further details of which can be found at:

Signing of events

It is an offence to erect signs on the public highway without the approval and consent of the highway authority. Signs have to be of an approved type (normally of AA or RAC design for temporary events) and applicants, therefore, need approval for the event if direction signing is being considered.

For events outside Loughborough but in Leicestershire please contact Leicestershire County Council highways on 0116 3050002 or visit their website for further information.


Please note: The Council requires at least one month’s notice of any intention to operate or hold a temporary market.

The Council reserves the right to take formal legal action against any person or company attempting to operate an unlicensed rival market, or operating a licensed rival market and failing to comply with the above requirements and the terms of the attached licence.

The Council reserves the right to revoke the licence in the event of a licensed rival market failing to comply with the requirements or the terms of the licence.

“Non-Commercial Applications” should also display on all advertisements the name/title of that particular charity or fund-raising organisation.

You are responsible for ensuring that you, and any hired-in / partner organisations, have:

  • Adequate public liability insurance cover (a minimum cover level of £5million is required)
  • Appropriate and effective risk assessment(s)
  • Equipment safety certificate(s) as required
  • Appropriate food safety check list(s) if required
  • The appropriate license(s) for the type of activity being delivered.

Fire precaution/safety

The Leicestershire CC Fire and Rescue Service advise that special attention should be made to the following:

The provision and maintenance of adequate access to the site/premises to be used for holding the proposed event for Fire Service Vehicles and means of escape for persons attending the event.

Initial enquiries regarding the necessary provision should be made to the owner/occupier of the land/premises and, when additional information is required, to:

Leicestershire Fire and Rescue
12 Geoff Monk Way

Telephone: 0116 210 5555

The Fire Authority will require a clear 14 days notice, in order that any necessary survey and reply can be undertaken.

Last updated: Tue 11th February, 2025 @ 15:48