We have two scrutiny committees which hold the executive to account by scrutinising decisions and policies.
Scrutiny can also look at local issues and make recommendations to the Council and partner organisations.
Our scrutiny system was changed in May 2021.
The over-arching committee is called the Scrutiny Commission which co-ordinates the work of scrutiny and can instigate scrutiny panels to look at specific issues. It also undertakes pre-decision scrutiny.
There is also a Finance and Performance Scrutiny Committee which has a wide remit including receiving regular performance and financial monitoring reports, and reviewing the processes used to develop policy. This Committee also acts as the Council’s crime and disorder committee by scrutinising the discharge of crime and disorder functions by the Council and other agencies through the Council and other agencies through the Community Safety Partnership.
For information on the membership of the above committees, including Chairs and Vice-chairs, together with agendas and minutes of meetings please visit our committees page.
Annual Scrutiny Report 2023 24 (PDF Document, 0.51 Mb)
Questions on notice
Live in Charnwood Borough and feel strongly about something that concerns a service or an issue we may be able to help with?
Who can you ask?
You can ask a question of the Chair of a Scrutiny Commission of the Council.
What can you ask?
You can ask any question as long as it relates to local issues and affects the borough of Charnwood.
What can’t you ask?
Any question that requires an answer which would disclose confidential or exempt information, a question that is considered, in the opinion of the Monitoring Officer, as illegal or improper, relates to an application for any permission, licence or other permission from the Council, or relates to any matter directly regarding an employee of the Council. If your question is rejected you will be told of the reason why.
How do I submit a question?
You can do this by delivering the question in writing or by email to the Head of Democracy no later than midday, six working days before the day of the meeting. Your question and also the answer will be published on the council’s website as part of the agenda.
Please note: Late requests to speak will not be considered.
Contact details:
Head of Democracy
Charnwood Borough Council
Southfield Road
LE11 2TX
Email: democracy@charnwood.gov.uk
What happens at the meeting?
You may attend the meeting to ask your question. When its time, the Chair will invite you to ask the question. They will then respond to your question and may ask other committee members or officers to advise and respond. You may also ask one extra question or make a statement to the Councillor that has answered your original question so long as it relates to the original question.
Sometimes a question cannot be answered during the meeting, these questions will be answered in writing.
Our scrutiny system was changed in May 2021.
Last updated: Tue 11th February, 2025 @ 11:47