We are carrying out some research to help better understand tenants in Council homes. This will help us make sure our services meet their needs.

There are around 11,000 people living in 5,500 Council homes in Charnwood. Just like any community, they all have different needs, and we want to better understand those needs.

As a Council we not only maintain and make improvements, but we also offer support. This includes things like financial advice and support; tackling anti-social behaviour; our wardens who visit our complexes for older tenants; through Charnwood Lifeline which offers reassurance to tenants and families alike; as well as events and engagement activities.

Knowing better who lives in our homes and what their needs might be will enable us to improve the services that we provide.

We have some information, but it’s time to update and improve it to make sure we’re giving the best service we can. 

Finding out some basic information

We have asked a research company called Service Insights Ltd to find out some basic information about tenants.

As we’ve said, the better we understand tenants and their needs, the better we can tailor our services to meet those needs.

Service Insights will be contacting tenants in different ways over the coming months, such as:

  • By email
  • By telephone?
  • By letter 

What will you be asking?

Through Service Insights, we will be asking a number of questions to learn more about the people living in Council homes. The questions will cover aspects such as:

  • Number of people living in the home
  • Ages
  • Disabilities
  • Ethnicity
  • Religion or beliefs
  • Individual needs and vulnerabilities

We understand that some of these questions may feel personal. All information is voluntary. You do not have to answer any questions if you do not want to, and it will not affect your tenancy.

However, the more we know, the better we can adapt our services and provide the support tenants need.

We also want to make sure that we are serving the diverse needs of our diverse communities.

How will you use the information collected?

The information will help us improve our services.

We may also use the data for when tenants contact us. We will better understand your situation when you request services which will improve the service you receive. We want to tailor services to tenants as much as we can.

What happens next?

Over the coming weeks and months, Service Insights will begin contacting tenants using the methods mentioned above so you may receive an email, telephone or letter from Service Insights. We hope you can complete it and help us improve our services for tenants.

Last updated: Fri 25th October, 2024 @ 15:52