Further work to improve Shepshed town centre to begin

Published: Tue 11th June, 2024

Work is due to start on further improvements to Shepshed town centre.

Charnwood Borough Council will be carrying out work to improve Bull Ring and Hall Croft in the town.

It is the second phase of a scheme which has seen improvements made to Market Place. They were completed earlier this year.

The phase two improvements in Bull Ring include new paving, new bus shelter, benches, planters, cycle stands, an information point, improved lighting and the creation of a pocket park.

In Hall Croft, work will be focussed on the area near the Co-op and library. It will include repainting the railings, benches, cycle stands and litter bins, thorough cleaning of the benches and planters, upgrading the street lighting and cleaning and making good the paving. It will also include new planting, including two new trees and refreshing the planters.

Work is due to start around June 24 and take six to eight weeks. Disruption will be kept to a minimum.

Phase one of the scheme saw the creation of a larger pedestrianised area in front of the shops on the corner of Brook Street and Church Street. Pavements have been improved and widened in Market Place and along Brook Street. New seating, cycle parking facilities and planting have been added.

The regeneration scheme has been developed by the borough council, Shepshed Town Council and Shepshed Town Team and aligns with the Shepshed Town Centre Masterplan.

Further information about the scheme is available on the Council website at www.charnwood.gov.uk/shepshedregeneration2024.