Check your parliamentary constituency ahead of general election

Published: Mon 10th June, 2024

  • A map showing the parliamentary constituency boundaries for the General Election 2024.
    A map showing the parliamentary constituency boundaries for the General Election 2024.

Charnwood residents voting in the general election on Thursday July 4 can now check which parliamentary constituency they are voting in.

People living in Charnwood can visit and enter their address to find out their constituency.  Your poll card or postal vote will also tell you which constituency you are voting in.

It comes after the parliamentary boundaries across the country were reviewed by the Boundary Commission for England in 2023. More information about the review can be found on this web page.

The review means the borough of Charnwood will be covered by three constituencies at the General Election.

  • Loughborough
  • Mid Leicestershire
  • Melton and Syston

Charnwood Borough Council is responsible for administering parliamentary elections for the Loughborough and Mid Leicestershire constituencies.

The Melton and Syston constituency will be administered by Melton Borough Council.

We have also put together some frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help residents understand the changes. You can find the FAQs and a map of the parliamentary boundaries on the Council’s website.

To have your say in the general election, you must be registered to vote by 11:59pm on Tuesday June 18. If you have recently moved house, you may need to register to vote again.

Registering to vote takes five minutes and you can do it online at:

You can also apply to vote by post and the deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm on Wednesday June 19.

Photo ID will be required when voting at a polling station. The requirement was introduced by the UK Government last year and applies to general elections.

A full list of accepted ID can be found on the Council’s website.

Residents without a suitable form of ID will be able to apply for free ID called a Voter Authority Certificate which can only be used in polling stations.

The deadline to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate in time for the general election is Wednesday June 26 at 5pm. Please ensure you are registered to vote before applying. Find out more details about voter ID.

For more information and key dates about the general election, head to

You can also keep up to date with key information and dates about the general information by signing up to the Council’s free email alerts. Visit for more information and to register.