Mayor visits charity helping four-legged friends

Published: Thu 27th June, 2024

  • The Mayor of Charnwood, Cllr Dr Julie Bradshaw MBE, and the Mayoress Julie Ellerbeck paying a visit to Dogs Trust Loughborough on Thursday June 20.
    The Mayor of Charnwood, Cllr Dr Julie Bradshaw MBE, and the Mayoress Julie Ellerbeck paying a visit to Dogs Trust Loughborough on Thursday June 20.

The Mayor of Charnwood paid a visit to one of her chosen charities on Thursday June 20.

Dogs Trust Loughborough is based in Wymeswold and cares and rehomes dogs when they are in need. They also lend a helping hand to owners who may be struggling to look after their beloved pet.

As soon as the nomination for the next Mayor is known, they are asked to decide which charity or charities they would like to benefit from their appeal for the year that they serve.

The Mayor of Charnwood, Councillor Dr Julie Bradshaw MBE, chose Dogs Trust Loughborough as she is a huge dog lover, being the owner of one lurcher and one greyhound herself.

Accompanied by the Mayoress, Julie Ellerbeck, the Mayor took a tour of the impressive facilities at Dogs Trust, which included a hydrotherapy tank and other areas for rehabilitation for dogs that have been rescued.

The visit also included a walk of the stunning 10-acre grounds, accompanied by friendly greyhound, Canon.

The Mayor said: “I knew that visiting Dogs Trust Loughborough would be an exciting experience, but it was also a humbling one.

“The team at Dogs Trust do outstanding work in caring for dogs that have been rescued for various reasons, including being abandoned. Some of these pets have had tough lives and are struggling as a result, but they are being given the best possible chance by this amazing group of people.

“It was such a fascinating experience, and I am looking forward to further supporting Dogs Trust throughout my year as Mayor.”

Megan Pearce, supporter relations officer at Dogs Trust Loughborough, said: “We are so pleased to be chosen as one of the Mayor’s charities and we will be inviting her to many of our events over the next 12 months.

“It was a pleasure to host the Mayor and take her and the Mayoress on a tour of our site and showcase all the great work our team does for our four-legged friends.”

Dogs Trust Loughborough helped save 572 dogs in 2023 and have saved 201 dogs so far in 2024.

Find out more about Dogs Trust and how to donate at

The Mayor’s other chosen charity is Living Without Abuse (LWA), a domestic and sexual abuse charity based in Loughborough. They provide support to men, women and children affected by domestic abuse and/or sexual violence across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

You can find out more and donate at