Popular community group hosts 12th annual tea party

Published: Mon 1st July, 2024

  • Chapman Street Garden Association and residents of Chapman Street welcome the Mayor of Charnwood, Cllr Dr Julie Bradshaw MBE and Mayoress Julie Ellerbeck to their annual tea party on Friday June 21.
    Chapman Street Garden Association and residents of Chapman Street welcome the Mayor of Charnwood, Cllr Dr Julie Bradshaw MBE and Mayoress Julie Ellerbeck to their annual tea party on Friday June 21.

Chapman Street Gardening Association held their 12th annual tea party on Friday June 21.

The popular community group has been hosting the event since 2012 and have only missed one year due to lockdown restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.

Each tea party has been visited by the serving Mayor of Charnwood, and this year, it was current Mayor Cllr Dr Julie Bradshaw MBE’s turn to take a tour of the stunning communal gardens and enjoy some tea and cake with residents from Chapman Street.

The Mayor said: “It was an absolute pleasure to visit Chapman Street on such a beautiful sunny afternoon and enjoy some great company with residents.

“One of the joys of serving as Mayor is being able to meet so many interesting people, and there is a great sense of community at Chapman Street.

“The residents care about their neighbours and friends, and the Chapman Street Gardening Association have done an incredible job of making the gardens look stunning.

“A lot of hard work has gone into the communal gardens, and it shows. You can tell that all the residents are proud of where they live. Everybody was smiling, including me.”

Chapman Street Gardening Association is run completely by volunteers, all of whom live on Chapman Street.

The association applied for community initiative funding which is organised by the customer engagement team at Charnwood Borough Council and open to council tenants for financial help towards the cost of arranging an event, activity or initiative in their local community.

The funding helped to contribute towards the cost of refreshments and food. 

To find out more about the community initiative fund, visit www.charnwood.gov.uk/cif.