Our children and young people's strategy 2019-2024, sets out the aims and objectives for the next three years in regards to the well-being and safety of children and young people in the borough.
The strategy was developed in partnership with children, young people and their families, practitioners and voluntary and statutory partners. Our key priorities are outlined within three strategic objectives:
- Keeping children and young people safe
- Integrated working and early intervention
- Children and family voice
View our Children and Young People’s Strategy 2019-2024.
Please email Giuseppe.vassallo@charnwood.gov.uk or call Giuseppe 01509 632544 to provide your feedback. It would be helpful if you let us know whether you were under or over 18 years old.
Children and young people's participation toolkit
In order to work towards achieving the best outcomes for our children and young people, we aim to work collaboratively to ensure the voice of young people and families is being listened to and implemented.
To support colleagues and partner agencies in doing this, we have developed the children and young people's participation toolkit. This is available to you to help guide and inspire you when consulting with young people.
View the Children and Young People's Participation Toolkit.
Should you have any feedback on this guide, please contact the Children, Family and Partnerships Manager on:
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Last updated: Tue 9th November, 2021 @ 14:13