The CHRF is a group of people who represent Charnwood Borough Council (CBC) tenants in meetings and consultations with us.

The group includes representatives from resident groups as well as individuals and is run by a Chair who is an elected tenant member.

What does the CHRF do?

CHRF members ensure that we work with other service providers in Charnwood to strive for excellent standards in all housing service areas. It does this by consulting on topics such as policy and procedure; strategies; decent homes and capital expenditure; the tenancy support services; the voids procedure and value for money.

CHRF meetings also provide an opportunity for representatives of Residents Groups, Focus Groups and Community Representatives to update the forum on the progress, activities and events of their individual groups and their neighbourhoods.

For more information, please contact the Customer Engagement team on 01509 634955 or 01509 634679. Alternatively, you can email

Meeting minutes - 2024

Further information

Charnwood Housing Residents' Forum (CHRF) - Terms of Reference

Charnwood Housing Residents' Forum (CHRF) - Code of Conduct

Give us your feedback

If you have attended a Charnwood Housing Resident Forum meeting and would like to leave feedback please complete the online form below:

Customer engagement online feedback form

Last updated: Mon 25th November, 2024 @ 09:54