The Customer Involvement Code of Conduct for the Charnwood Housing Residents’ Forum (CHRF) can be found below.
The Code of Conduct is to cover all aspects of Charnwood customer involvement activities.
This Code of Conduct (the Code) sets out the standards of behaviour that must be adhered to when participating in meetings at CHRF or any other form of customer involvement activity.
It is not intended to be exhaustive, or cover every eventuality, but sets out some commonsense requirements to enable customer involvement activities to function smoothly and successfully.
Any customer engaging in any involvement activity will be deemed to have agreed to abide by the Code of Conduct.
Meeting etiquette
As an attendee you must comply with the following requirements;
- Be friendly, polite, courteous and respectful at all times to fellow members, and others, present
- Be prepared for the meeting by reading all relevant paperwork beforehand and bring them with you to the meeting
- Arrive on time for the meeting. Anyone arriving over 10 minutes after the start of the meeting, without prior consent with the Chair, may be refused attendance at the meeting
- Follow the agenda and keep to time, within reason
- Phones should remain on silent during the meeting. All mobile phones should remain out of sight, unless prior consent has been agreed with the Chair.
- Do not use recording equipment, either video or audio, without the consent of all members attending the meeting.
- Speak only through the Chair of the meeting and not interrupt, heckle or make distracting noises or gestures
- Show respect for buildings, facilities and equipment being used
- Do not use threatening behaviour, violence, obscene or offensive language or display any other behaviours which may cause offence or otherwise disrupt the meeting
- Demonstrate actively that you are interested in and care about the issue you are discussing and want to make a positive difference
- Remember that the purpose of the meeting/activity is to benefit customers in general and not specific individuals
- Offer to withdraw from a meeting where a conflict of interest is clear and substantial and refrain from voting if invited to remain
Personal conduct
As an attendee you are expected to:
- Appreciate and respect difference – in knowledge, background, ability to speak in public, etc. Never discriminate on any grounds against any other attendee
- Not seek to obtain any personal benefit or advantage, or expect to receive favourable treatment by staff through attendance at meetings
- Not speak or write on behalf of attendees without prior agreement of attendees. Make any correspondence sent on behalf of any involvement group available to all members of that group
- Use the normal procedures for reporting repairs, complaints, etc.
- Not represent a political party in your role as a member of a group
- Respect the confidentiality of personal information about individuals, whether present or not, and refrain from mentioning specific individual cases which may cause embarrassment or identification of an individual
- Any information or items of a confidential nature must not be disclosed to anyone else apart from other attendees at the meeting
- Not to use attendees personal email addresses or telephone numbers unless requested to by that member.
- Attendees are requested not to make unsolicited approaches to other attendees outside of meetings where this behaviour is considered to be unwanted, of a harassing nature or obtrusive, either in person, via telephone, text message, email or other social media.
Some matters discussed at CHRF meetings will be confidential and, when told, attendees will not disclose any matters discussed to a third party.
Attendees must refrain from discussing individual cases at meetings as it may cause embarrassment or identification of an individual.
Attendees must not use or disclose other attendees’ personal email addresses or telephone numbers without their consent.
Attendees must not approach other attendees outside of meetings where this behaviour is considered to be unwanted, harassment or obtrusive.
Breaches of the Code of Conduct
If a discussion is becoming heated, the Chair may call for a five minute time out at the meeting.
If an attendee fails to abide by the Code, the Chair may warn them that if they break the Code again they may be asked to leave the meeting.
If, despite a warning, an attendee continues to breach the Code, an attendee can be suspended from the meeting or expelled by the Chair.
They will not be permitted to attend any future meetings unless they provide satisfactory evidence to CBC and CHRF that they will comply with the Code – e.g. a letter of apology.
If an attendee’s behaviour outside of the meeting breaches the Code of Conduct they will receive a warning and if further breaches occur they will not be permitted to attend any future meetings unless they provide satisfactory evidence to CBC and CHRF that they will comply with the Code – e.g. a letter of apology.
More information
If you need to discuss the Code of Conduct, or want to find out more about anything to do with our customer involvement activities please contact the Customer Engagement team on 01509 643955 or email
This Code of Conduct was agreed by members of the Charnwood Housing Residents Forum at their meeting in May 2022.
Last updated: Tue 20th September, 2022 @ 16:14