Dead animals which are found on council land, public areas, roads, pavements and public walkways can be removed by our street cleansing contractor.
This includes dead animals found on roads, pavements and public walkways.
Report a dead animal on public land
If you see a dead animal on public land, please use the following link to report it:
Report a dead animal on public land
A scanning machine is used by the street cleansing team in order to identify deceased pets that are microchipped. This provides owners with the opportunity to collect the deceased pets from the depot in Mountsorrel, if they wish to do so.
Dead animals we do not remove
Please be aware that we cannot dispose of dead animals found on private land (such as your garden).
Animals found on the central reservation or in the middle of high speed roads cannot be collected due to health and safety reasons.
Dead animals on the main reservation
If a dead animal is causing an obstruction on the main reservation, please contact Leicestershire County Council's Highways Department on 0116 305 0001.
Last updated: Mon 16th January, 2023 @ 09:58