Below is a list of our archived Equality Impact Assessments (EIA's) from 2022.
Completed assessments, 2022
- Covid 19 Additional Relief Fund Carf Policy EIA (PDF Document, 1 Mb)
- Corporate Delivery Plan 2022 23 EIA (PDF Document, 3.54 Mb)
- Community Grant and Community Facilities Grant EIA (PDF Document, 0.15 Mb)
- Grants - Strategic Partners 2022-23 - 2023-24 (PDF Document, 0.15 Mb)
- Licensing Act 2003 - Policy 2022 (PDF Document, 0.33 Mb)
- Shopmobility (PDF Document, 0.36 Mb)
- Housing Revenue Account HRA Business Plan 2021-2052 and Asset Management Strategy Framework (PDF Document, 1.83 Mb)
- Housing Customer Engagement Strategy 2022-25 (Word Document, 0.1 Mb)
- Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy (July 22) (PDF Document, 0.15 Mb)
- Charnwood Grants EIA (July 22) (PDF Document, 0.16 Mb)
- Housing Customer Engagement Strategy 2022-25 (July 22) (PDF Document, 0.16 Mb)
Last updated: Wed 22nd February, 2023 @ 14:00