Core Strategy Further Consultation was undertaken between October 24, 2008 to December 5, 2008.
The public meetings and exhibitions were very well attended by over 1,500 people and we received over 1,000 responses.
- Core Strategy Further Consultation Document (PDF Document, 4.84 Mb)
The Sustainability Appraisal of the Core Strategy Further Consultation is available to download here:
- Sustainability Appraisal of the Core Strategy Further Consultation (PDF Document, 1.62 Mb)
Report of consultation, 2009
The report of consultation, which sets out the results of the consultation process, is available to download below. Please note that we continue to receive comments on the Core Strategy Further Consultation, so these documents may change:
- Core Strategy Further Consultation Report (including Appendix A & B) (PDF Document, 0.23 Mb)
- Appendix C - Summary of Representations (PDF Document, 0.7 Mb)
- Appendix D - Questions Raised by Respondents (PDF Document, 0.25 Mb)
The individual representations and notes of consultation events and the area forum meetings attended are also available to view below:
- Interactive consultation portal
- Scanned representations
- Notes of consultation events and area forums
Representations are now available to view in our interactive portal or in a list of scanned representations.
More information on the Further Consultation, 2008
- Read the notes from all the consultation events and Area Forum meetings here
- Charnwood 2026 - Consultation Leaflet (PDF Document, 1.35 Mb)
- Background Papers for Core Strategy Further Consultation (PDF Document, 0.36 Mb)
Last updated: Mon 30th July, 2018 @ 12:06