In October 2008, the Council undertook further consultation on the Core Strategy.
The representations made in response to this consultation and the notes of consultation events held are available to view below.
Representations on the Core Strategy can be viewed using the links below. The representations are listed by organisation or surname for individuals. Representations made by agents on behalf of clients are listed under the agents name.
A separate link has been created for some due to the size of the response. Please note that the points raised are the views of the respondent.
When you click on the representation links you will be able to view each individual representation by clicking on the PDF symbol.
Surname/Organisation | Click on the links below to view representations |
A | Representations |
B | Representations |
C | Representations |
D | Representations |
E | Representations |
F | Representations |
G | Representations |
H | Representations |
I | Representations |
J | Representations |
K | Representations |
L | Representations |
M | Representations |
N | Representations |
O | Representations |
P | Representations |
Pegasus/Commercial Estates Group, David Wilson Homes, Merton College and Other Landowners | Representation |
Pegasus/Davidsons | Representation |
Pegasus/Leicestershire County Council | Representation |
Pegasus/Radleigh Homes | Representation |
Q | Representations |
R | Representations |
Raynsway Properties Limited | Representation |
S | Representations |
Signet/William Davis | Representation |
Smith Stuart Reynolds/Fox Strategic Land and Property | Representation |
T | Representations |
U | Representations |
V | Representations |
W | Representations |
X | No Representations |
Y | Representations |
Z | No Representations |
The consultation document, sustainability appraisal, other supporting information and the notes of the consultation events are available to view on the Core Strategy page.
Last updated: Wed 7th April, 2021 @ 16:20