The Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted by Charnwood Borough Council on May 11, 2017.
Following a Court Order, policy HSPD 9 and supporting text on housing mix in the Housing SPD has been quashed. The remainder of the SPD remains extant for decision making.
The Housing SPD has been amended to implement the Court Order and the version below is the updated adopted SPD.
Earlier versions of the SPD will not be referred to or used. The Council will continue to implement Core Strategy Policy CS3: Strategic Housing Need, and seek an appropriate mix of types, tenures and sizes of homes, having regard to identified housing needs and the character of the area when considering planning applications for new homes.
The document provides guidance to support the Local Plan Core Strategy (2011-2028) and the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan. The policies it supports are:
- CS3: Strategic housing needs
- CS4: Houses in multiple occupation
- CS23: Loughborough university and science & enterprise park
- H/12: Students halls of residents
The document includes guidance on affordable housing, housing mix, houses in multiple occupation and purpose built and campus student accommodation. Please note this replaces all previous housing SPDs, including the Affordable Housing SPD (September 2005) and Student Housing Provision in Loughborough SPD (December 2005).
The document was subject to public consultation between January 16 and February 27, 2017, and a series of workshops and discussions were held with stakeholders.
Details of these can be found in the following documents:
Last updated: Mon 30th July, 2018 @ 12:06