Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) help drive up standards and improve the quality of social housing by making sure housing providers like the council are accountable for the services we deliver.

We have published our latest TSM scores below:


2023/24 result

% of homes for which all required gas safety checks have been carried out


% of homes for which all required fire risk assessments have been carried out


% of homes for which all required asbestos management surveys or re-inspections have been carried out


% of homes for which all required legionella risk assessments have been carried out


% of homes for which all required communal passenger lift safety checks have been carried out


% of homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard


% Repairs completed within target timescale - non-emergency


% Repairs completed within target timescale - emergency


Number of complaints received per 1,000 homes (stage 1)


Number of complaints received per 1,000 homes (stage 2)


% Complaints responded to within timescales (Stage 1)


% Complaints responded to within timescales (stage 2)


Number of anti-social behaviour (ASB) cases opened per 1,000 homes


Number of anti-social behaviour (ASB) cases that involve hate incidents opened per 1,000 homes


Tenant satisfaction survey 2023/24

Throughout the summer of 2023, Charnwood Borough Council worked with an independent company called Service Insights to carry out surveys with council tenants on our behalf, to fulfil our regulatory obligations to carry out annual tenant perception surveys.

Results from the survey

A summary of the results can be found in the table below. Please note: Counts for individual questions are shown in brackets.

Measure Tenant satisfaction measures (TSM) scores
Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied with the overall service from Charnwood Borough Council Landlord Service 58.0% (1,577)
Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied with the overall repairs service from Charnwood Borough Council Landlord Service over the last 12 months 62.3% (946)
Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied with the time taken to complete their most recent repair after they reported it 55.0% (931)
Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied that Charnwood Borough Council Landlord Service provides a home that is well maintained 58.8% (1,529)
Proportion of respondents who, when thinking about the condition of their property or the building they live in, report that they are satisfied that Charnwood Borough Council Landlord Service provides a home that is safe 66.5% (1,508)
Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied with Charnwood Borough Council Landlord Service listening to their views and acting upon them 49.2% (1,386)
Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied with Charnwood Borough Council Landlord Service keeping them informed about things that matter to them 58.2% (1,446)
Proportion of respondents who report that they agree with the statement: “Charnwood Borough Council Landlord Service treats me fairly and with respect" 69.3% (1,471)
Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied with Charnwood Borough Council Landlord Service approach to complaints handling 23.3% (438)
Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied Charnwood Borough Council Landlord Service keeps communal areas clean and well maintained 49.9% (648)
Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied Charnwood Borough Council Landlord Service make a positive contribution to their neighbourhood 47.9% (1,325)
Proportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied with Charnwood Borough Council Landlord Service’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour 42.1% (1,001)

The document below contains the full Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey 2023-24 report from Service Insights:

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Last updated: Wed 26th June, 2024 @ 16:52