Made (Adopted) Plan
On December 9, 2021 Charnwood Borough Council "made" the Woodhouse Parish Neighbourhood Plan part of Charnwood Borough Council's development plan, in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended).
View the "made" Woodhouse Parish Neighbourhood Plan below:
- Woodhouse Parish Neighbourhood Plan Made [Referendum] Version (PDF Document, 15.56 Mb)
Further details of the decision are available in the Decision Statement below:
- Woodhouse Parish Made Plan Decision Statement (PDF Document, 0.13 Mb)
Statement – Minor Modification to Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan Designated Neighbourhood Area.
Charnwood Borough Council has made an amendment to the boundary for the Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan designated neighbourhood area. This is to ensure the designated neighbourhood area reflects the revised parish boundary as a result of the Council’s Community Governance Review. This can be viewed in this document.
As set out in the Neighbourhood Plan Planning Practice Guidance, the amendment is considered a ‘minor modification’, that a local planning authority can make at any point in time, as long as this is in agreement with the qualifying body (paragraph 084a). This includes correcting errors (paragraph 106). The amended neighbourhood area has been agreed with Woodhouse Parish Council and can be viewed below:
- Woodhouse Parish Map (PDF Document, 1.6 Mb)
Referendum Result
A referendum on the Woodhouse Parish Neighbourhood Plan was held on October 28, 2021. The plan was approved by referendum and the result can be found on the Declaration of Result below:
- Declaration of Results (Woodhouse Parish) - October 2021 (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
The Plan now forms pats of the Development Plan for the neighbourhood area in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017. The final procedural step is for the Council to “make” the neighbourhood plan within 8 weeks of the referendum.
Following an independent Examination, Charnwood Borough Council has determined that the Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan, as modified to incorporate the Examiner’s recommendations, should proceed to Referendum. Further details of this decision can be found in the Decision Statement - Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan (PDF Document, 0.12 Mb)
The referendum will take place on October 28, 2021 and will ask the question: “Do you want Charnwood Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Woodhouse Parish to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”
Further details about the referendum can be found in the 6. Information Statement - Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan (PDF Document, 0.4 Mb)
A number of specified documents are available for the purpose of the Referendum which are:
1. Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan - Referendum Version (PDF Document, 15.56 Mb)
2. Examination Report - Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan (PDF Document, 0.57 Mb)
3. Summary of Representations - Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
4. Compliance Statement - Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
5. General Information for Voters - Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan (PDF Document, 0.13 Mb)
Paper copies of the specified documents may be inspected at the main reception of Charnwood Borough Council’s Offices, Southfield Road, Loughborough, LE11 2TX. Due to social distancing requirements, an appointment should be booked to view documents at the main Council reception – call 01509 634560 or email
Paper documents are also available for inspection within the referendum area at The Village Hall, 50a Main St, Woodhouse Eaves, Loughborough, LE12 8RZ. Please telephone 07739 808871 to arrange an appointment to attend this venue to view the documents.
SEA Determination
Following the regulation 16 consultation and examination, Charnwood Borough Council has issued its final determination on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening report:
- Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan Sea Screening - Final Determination (PDF Document, 0.41 Mb)
Examination of the Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan
Charnwood Borough Council, in consultation with Woodhouse Parish Council, have appointed an Examiner, Dr. Louise Brooke-Smith, to undertake the examination of the Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan.
On August 5 2021, the examiner issued their Examination Report. Charnwood Borough Council will now consider the recommendations made in the report and decide how the plan should be modified and when a referendum will be held.
- Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan – Examination Report August 2021 (PDF Document, 0.57 Mb)
The Regulation 16 Consultation on the Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan closed on April 30 2021 and the following representations, which will be considered by the Examiner, were made:
- 1. Anglian Water (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
- 2. Karl Hammond (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
- 3. John Owens (PDF Document, 0.22 Mb)
- 4. Newtown Linford Parish Council (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
- 5. Sport England (PDF Document, 0.16 Mb)
- 6. Canal and River Trust (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
- 7. Richard Bowers (PDF Document, 0.12 Mb)
- 8. Natural England (SEA) (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
- 9. Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland CCGS (PDF Document, 0.13 Mb)
- 10. Natural England (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
- 11. Severn Trent Water (PDF Document, 0.45 Mb)
- 12.1 Andrew Granger Obo Mr M. Mattu (PDF Document, 0.57 Mb)
- 12.2 Andrew Granger Obo Mr. M Mattu - Appendix (PDF Document, 1.73 Mb)
- 13. Leicestershire County Council (Minerals) (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
- 14. Quorn Parish Council (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
- 15. Highways England (PDF Document, 0.24 Mb)
- 16. National Forest Company (PDF Document, 0.11 Mb)
- 17. Charnwood Borough Council (PDF Document, 0.24 Mb)
- 18. Environment Agency (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
- 19.1 Cerda Planning (PDF Document, 0.19 Mb)
- 19.2 Cerda Planning - Appendix (PDF Document, 0.23 Mb)
- 20. Leicestershire County Council (PDF Document, 0.21 Mb)
- 21. Environment Agency (SEA) (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
- 22. Historic England (SEA) (PDF Document, 0.11 Mb)
Pre-examination (Regulation 16) consultation
Woodhouse Parish Council, has prepared a Neighbourhood Plan for the parish. In accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) the Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents have been submitted to Charnwood Borough Council for the purpose of consultation, examination and, if appropriate, a referendum ahead of it being ‘made’ (adopted) as part of the development plan for the area.
Charnwood Borough Council has considered the Plan against the statutory requirements set out in paragraph 6 of Schedule 4B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and is satisfied that these have been met and it can proceed to consultation.
The Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents submitted are available below:
- A) Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version (February 2021) (PDF Document, 15.4 Mb)
- B) Woodhouse Designated Neighbourhood Area Map (PDF Document, 2.13 Mb)
- C) Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement (PDF Document, 0.28 Mb)
- D) Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (PDF Document, 0.26 Mb)
- E) Woodhouse SEA and HRA Screening Report (PDF Document, 0.34 Mb)
Further supporting information is available at:
The consultation will run for six weeks from Wednesday March 17 until Friday April 30, 2021.
Due to Coronavirus related social distancing measures, there continues to be restricted access to the Council offices therefore hard copies of the consultation documents will not be made available at deposit points. However, if an individual requires an alternative means of accessing these documents, please contact us by e-mail or telephone 01509 634929.
Any comments made on the Neighbourhood Plan and/or supporting documents should be sent to Charnwood Borough Council together with your name and address by email to
Or in writing to:
Planning Policy
Charnwood Borough Council
Council Offices
Southfield Road
LE11 2TN
Formal representations should be received by Charnwood Borough Council by no later than Friday April 30, 2021. Any representations may include a request to be notified of the local planning authority’s decision to make the neighbourhood plan.
Should you have any queries regarding the Neighbourhood Plan or its submission then please contact by us e-mail or telephone 01509 634929.
Previous Information
Woodhouse Parish was designated as a neighbourhood area for the purposes of neighbourhood planning on May 3, 2018.
Woodhouse Parish Council undertook the Regulation 14 consultation between November 9, 2020 and December 21, 2020.
If you have any questions please contact Woodhouse Parish Council by email
Last updated: Thu 23rd January, 2025 @ 10:02