This page provides quick access to the key plans that have been approved.
The decision notices for relevant planning applications detail those plans which have been approved as part of the applications. The hybrid consent (P/16/1660/2) established the principles for development of the site but has been subject to a Section 73 permission which varies the approved details (P/22/0333/2).
The base plans approved by P/16/1660/2 are provided below but please note that the decision notice for P/22/0333/2 and any subsequent Section 73 or Section 96a vary specified plans. The relevant decision notices can be found here:
Further detail has also been approved as reserved matters including those plans detailed in the following decision notices:
Approved Plans:
Condition 13 - Plans specified
The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans and documents:
- Application Boundary Plan which also defines the Area Subject of Detailed Proposals
- Define Drawing Reference DE096.008 Rev D
- Development Framework Parameter Plan. Define Drawing Reference DE096.001 Rev O
- Green Infrastructure Parameter Plan. Define Drawing Reference DE096.003 Rev M
- Land Use and Scale Parameter Plan. Define Drawing Reference DE096.004 Rev O
- Movement Parameter Plan – Street Typologies. Define Drawing Reference DE096.002 Rev J
- Movement Parameter Plan – Pedestrian/Cycle Strategy. Define Drawing Reference DE096.005 Rev E
- Design and Access Statement 1 “A Framework for Broadnook Garden Suburb” dated June 2016.
- Design and Access Statement 2 “Delivery of the Broadnook Garden Suburb” dated June 2016.
- Design and Access Statement Addendum (including Street Typologies Revision I) dated January 2019.
- Green Infrastructure Addendum – Allotments, Outdoor Sports and Play dated January 2019.
- Broadnook Centre Planning Brief dated December 2018
Condition 15 - Phasing and Delivery Plans
The phasing and delivery of development shall take place in accordance with the following plans unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.
- Phasing Plan – Housing and Employment Define Drawing Reference DE096.006 Rev E
- Landscape Phasing Munro Whitten Drawing Reference 0638.040 Rev B
- Phase 1 Illustrative Masterplan Define Drawing Reference DE096.010 Rev E
- Comprehensive Phase 1 Landscape Masterplan Munro Whitten Drawing Reference 0638-055 Rev B
- Housing Numbers Per Development Parcels and By Phase WDA Planning Drawing Reference WDA-BGS 48
- Housing Densities Per Development Parcels WDA Planning Drawing Reference WDA-BGS 49
Condition 23 - Landscape Plans
Further to the requirements of condition 3 all reserved matters applications for that part of the Broadnook application site hereby granted outline permission full regard will be given to the landscaping principles and details shown on the following Munro-Whitten drawings hereby approved:
- Landscape Framework Plan Ref: 0638.009 Rev C
- Landscape Phasing Plan – Existing Site Ref: 0638.036 Rev B
- Landscape Phasing Plan Phase 1 Ref: 0638.037 Rev B, Phase Ref: 0638.038 Rev B, Phase 3 Ref: 0638.039 Rev B
- The Northern Landscape Ref: 0638.005 Rev E
- Landscape Phasing Plan - Ref: 0638.040. Rev B
- Context Plan - Ref. 0638.034. Rev B
- Location of Illustrative Landscape Sections
- The Western Landscape Ref: 0638.035 Rev B
- Illustrative Landscape Sections – Western Slopes Ref: 0638.026
- Acoustic Mounding Exercise to Southern Boundary Section A-A Ref: 0638.029 Rev C
- Acoustic Mounding Exercise to Southern Boundary Section B-B Ref: 0638.030 Rev E
- Acoustic Mounding Exercise to Southern Boundary Section C-C Ref: 0638.031 Rev C
Condition 24 - Flood Risk Assessment
Condition 40 - Detailed Proposal Plans
Conditions relating to the area of the application site subject to Detailed Proposals:
In so far as this decision grants full permission for the area edged blue on the Application Boundary Plan - Define Drawing Reference DE096.008 Rev D, the development shall be carried out only in accordance with the details and specifications included in the submitted application as amended by revised drawings received by the local planning authority on the 24th January 2019 unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.
The approved drawings are as follows:
Drawing Title |
Drawing Reference |
1. Junctions 1 and 2 A6 Site Access |
Drawing Title |
Drawing Reference |
2. On Site Access Drawings |
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) |
General Arrangement Sheet 1 General Arrangement Sheet 2 General Arrangement Sheet 3 General Arrangement Sheet 4 General Arrangement Sheet 5 General Arrangement Sheet 6 |
Drawing Title |
Drawing Reference |
3. Barwood Homes Detailed Proposals |
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii) (xviii) (xix) (xx) (xxi) (xxii) (xxiii) (xxiv) (xxv) (xxvi) (xxvii) (xxviii) (xxix) |
Proposed Site Layout Parcel Information Drawing Phase 1 Housetypes Key Plan Phase 1 Materials Plan Phase 1 Boundary Treatments Plan Phase 1 Hard Landscaping Plan Bournville Housetype Unwin Housetype Barnett Housetype Earswick Housetype Earswick + Housetype Harbourne Housetype Harbourne + Housetype Brentham Housetype Hampstead Housetype Hampstead + Housetype Cadbury Housetype Edwin Housetype Lutyens Housetype Howard Housetype Rowntree Housetype Letchworth Housetype Swithland Housetype Swithland + Housetype Welwyn Housetype Welwyn + Housetype Rothley Housetype Kingston Housetype Proposed Garages |
Drawing Title |
Drawing Reference |
4. Davidsons Homes Detailed Proposals |
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) |
Planning Layout Materials Plan Boundary Treatment Plan House Types |
1070-800 Rev P04 DH343 B-2 and DH344 B-2 (AS and OP) DH343 B-3 and DH346 B-3 Rear Elevation and Floor Plan (AS and OP) Rev A DH343 B-3 and DH346 B-3 Front and Side Elevations (AS and OP) Rev A DH380 BN-3 and DH381 BN-3 and DH382 BN-3 (AS) Rev A DH380 BN-3 and DH381 BN-3 and DH382 BN-3 (OP) Rev A DH432-T-2 (OP) |
Drawing Title |
Drawing Reference |
5. Northern Boulevard Gatehouses |
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) |
Elevations Sheet 1 Elevations Sheet 2 Gatehouse – Proposed Plans Gatehouse – Context Elevation |
BMP-FEA-BI-XX-DE-A-3701 - Rev P2 BMP-FEA-BI-XX-DE-A-3702 - Rev P2 |
Drawing Title |
Drawing Reference |
6. Foxfield Park Pavilion |
(ii) (ii) |
Elevations Floor Plans |
Drawing Title |
Drawing Reference |
7. Green Infrastructure and Landscaping |
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (viii) (ix) (ix) (x) (xii) |
Landscape Infrastructure (1 of 5) Landscape Infrastructure (2 of 5) Landscape Infrastructure (3 of 5) Landscape Infrastructure (4 of 5) Landscape Infrastructure (5 of 5) Woodland Planting Matrix Sections through SuDs Davidsons Housing Area: Plot Soft Landscaping (drawing 1 of 2) Davidsons Housing Area: Plot Soft Landscaping (drawing 2 of 2) Barwood Housing Area: Plot Soft Landscaping (drawing 1 of 2) Barwood Housing Area: Plot Soft Landscaping (drawing 2 of 2) Landscape Types Landscape and Biodiversity Management Zones |
and b) Rev L and 0638.019 Rev E |
Conditions 4 and 8: Off-site Junction Improvements
A6/A46 Junction
- Proposed A46/A6 Gyratory Improvement - ADC-1684-DR-002 Rev P5
- A46/A6 Birstall Interchange Eastbound Exit Slip Vertical Alignment - LWL-600-012 Rev D8
- A46/A6 Birstall Interchange Eastbound Exit Slip Cross Sections - LWL-600-013 Rev D8
Hallfields Lane - Cossington Lane
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 7. Jan 2019. Landscape and Biodiveristy Management Plan (PDF Document, 13.55 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 7. Jan 2019. Landscape and Biodiveristy Management Zones (PDF Document, 3.36 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 7. Jan 2019. Landscape and Visual Impact (PDF Document, 0.23 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 7. Jan 2019. Landscape Types. Schedule of Materials (PDF Document, 0.35 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment. Chapter 8 (PDF Document, 2 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment. Chapters 9 & 10 (PDF Document, 10.84 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 11. Jan 2019. Archaeological Evaluation (PDF Document, 11.68 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 11. Jan 2019. Archaeology and Heritage (PDF Document, 0.27 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 12. Jan 2019. Hydrology, Drainage and Flood Risk (PDF Document, 0.45 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 13. Jan 2019. Community, Economic & Social Effects (PDF Document, 0.34 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 14. Jan 2019. Air Quality Assessment (PDF Document, 0.78 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 15. Jan 2019. Daytime Noise Contours (PDF Document, 1.46 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 15. Jan 2019. Nightime Noise Contours (PDF Document, 1.42 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 15. Jan 2019. Noise (PDF Document, 0.77 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 15. Jan 2019. Predicted Future Daytime Noise Contours 2 (PDF Document, 1.4 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 15. Jan 2019. Predicted Future Daytime Noise Contours (PDF Document, 1.45 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 15. Jan 2019. Predicted Future Nightime Noise Contours (PDF Document, 1.48 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment. Chapter 15. Noise and Vibration (PDF Document, 1.02 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment. Chapters 16 & 17 (PDF Document, 1.12 Mb)
As the project progresses important contact details will be added here. At present the Case Officer at Charnwood Borough Council can be contacted at
Proposed Rothley Crossroads Junction Layout
Last updated: Wed 1st November, 2023 @ 08:53