A hybrid planning application was approved in November 2020.

The hybrid application includes many background documents that informed the decision. These documents can be found on the key documents webpage. 

The planning application documents are listed in full on the council’s website and can be found here:

Planning application - P/16/1660/2

The planning permission was granted subject to conditions. Many of these require further details to be submitted and approved in writing. These details are submitted as discharge of condition applications or reserved matters applications. As these are submitted links to them will appear below:

Section 73 – Variation of P/16/1660/2

An application has been received to amend details which were previously approved as part of P/16/1660/2. The current application (P/22/0333/2) seeks to amend some of the details which were specifically approved as part of the original application, including swapping a parcel of employment land for residential and visa versa.

In summary, the current proposals seek to swap land parcels so that residential areas run along the main access road and the employment land extends further to the south. The overall amount of residential and employment land would be the same as previously approved.

There are other changes to the technical details which supported the original application and where these are affected by the proposed changes then these are also amended through the documents included in the current application (P/22/0333/2).

Discharge of Conditions

There are conditions requiring submission of details.  When applications discharge of conditions have been submitted and approved they will appear below:

  • P/21/0875/2 Discharge of condition 33 of application P/16/1660/2 relating to written scheme of archaeological investigation.
  • P/22/2148/2 Discharge of condition 32 (Arboricultural Method Statement) of P/22/0333/2 (relating to Broadnook SUE)
  • P/23/0580/2 - Discharge of Conditions 24 (surface water drainage scheme), 25 (surface water management during construction), 27 (foul sewage drainage plans) and 39 (earthworks and site levels) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/0333/2

Section 106 Legal Agreement Obligations

There are clauses within the legal agreement that require further details to be submitted and agreed. Where those matters relate to Charnwood Borough Council’s interests are submitted and agreed they will appear below:

Environmental Impact

Separate regulations require an assessment of the environmental impacts of the scheme alongside the planning application.  This was done as part of the original outline planning application and takes the form of an Environmental Assessment, (EA), for the whole site and a later supplement to it.  The information already received has to be to be revisited with each new application that is received, (called subsequent applications), to see if a further addendum to the Environmental Assessment, (ESA), is needed.  

Copies of any formal assessment of the need for an ESA the Council makes will appear below once completed:

Reserved Matters Planning Applications

Detailed planning applications for areas within the site (the reserved matters) will be made as the development proceeds.  Consultations on these take place in the normal way. Copies of the reserved maters applications will appear below:

  • P/23/0499/2 - Reserved matters application for 107 dwellings and associated infrastructure at Parcel 1, including discharge of condition 16 iii (housing mix), 16 iv (site wide affordable housing strategy) and condition 17 (programme of reserved matters) (P/22/0333/2 relates) – Approved 20th October 2023


As the project progresses important contact details will be added here. At present the Case Officer at Charnwood Borough Council can be contacted at broadnook@charnwood.gov.uk.

Last updated: Wed 1st November, 2023 @ 08:50