Planning permission has been granted for the development by Charnwood Borough Council.
The application is called a hybrid application because it is partly in outline, (in principle), and partly detailed. This means that the principle of development has been agreed as long as what is built meets with the conditions in the Decision Notice and the legal agreement. These can be accessed below:
- Decision Notice - Broadnook Development (PDF Document, 0.15 Mb)
Legal Agreement (Section. 106)
The legal agreement, known as a Section 106, is set out in sections below:
- Document 1 - Definitions (PDF Document, 12.78 Mb)
- Document 2 - Definitions and Paragraphs 1 to 21 (PDF Document, 13.33 Mb)
- Document 3 - Schedule 1 - Draft Planning Permission (PDF Document, 13.85 Mb)
- Document 4 - Schedule 2 - Education (PDF Document, 7.79 Mb)
- Document 5 - Schedule 3 - Community Resources (PDF Document, 6.81 Mb)
- Document 6 - Schedule 4 - Transport & Highways (PDF Document, 1.9 Mb)
- Document 7 - Schedule 5 - Green Infrastructure (PDF Document, 3.82 Mb)
- Document 8 - Schedule 6 - Estate Management & Maintenance (PDF Document, 2.31 Mb)
- Document 9 - Schedule 7 - Affordable Housing (PDF Document, 6.29 Mb)
- Document 10 - Schedule 8 - Artifical Grass Pitch (PDF Document, 0.57 Mb)
- Document 11 - Schedule 9 - Extra Care Apartments (PDF Document, 0.81 Mb)
- Document 12 - Schedule 10 - Plans Appended to the Agreement (PDF Document, 4.93 Mb)
- Document 13 - Schedule 11 - Borough & County Council Covenants (PDF Document, 3.26 Mb)
The Design and Access Statement
This sets out overall design principles. See below:
- Design and Access Statement (DAS 1). June 2016. Intro, Section 1, 2 & 3 (PDF Document, 9.13 Mb)
- Design and Access Statement (DAS 1) . June 2016. Section 4 & 5 (PDF Document, 12.96 Mb)
- Design and Access Statement (DAS 1) . June 2016. Section 6 (PDF Document, 9.9 Mb)
- Design and Access Statement (DAS 1) . June 2016. Section 7.1 (PDF Document, 18.47 Mb)
- Design and Access Statement (DAS 1) . June 2016. Section 7.2 (PDF Document, 15.33 Mb)
- Design and Access Statement (DAS 1) . June 2016. Section 8, 9, 10 & 11 (PDF Document, 14.42 Mb)
- Design and Access Statement (DAS 2) . June 2016. Intro & Section 1 (PDF Document, 12.55 Mb)
- Design and Access Statement (DAS 2) . June 2016. Section 2 & 3 (PDF Document, 11.64 Mb)
- Design and Access Statement (DAS 2) . June 2016. Section 4 (PDF Document, 13.06 Mb)
- Design and Access Statement (DAS 2) . June 2016. Section 5 (PDF Document, 15.25 Mb)
- Design and Access Statement (DAS 2) . June 2016. Section 6 & 7 (PDF Document, 14.13 Mb)
- Design and Access Statement Addendum. January 2019 (PDF Document, 79.34 Mb)
Transport Assessment
This shows how vehicle movements were assessed. See below:
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 9. Jan 2019. Framework Travel Plan (PDF Document, 4.92 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 9. Jan 2019. Traffic and Trasnport (PDF Document, 0.54 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 9. Jan 2019. Transport Assessment 2 (PDF Document, 6.1 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 9. Jan 2019. Transport Assessment Drawings 2 (PDF Document, 0.94 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 9. Jan 2019. Transport Assessment Drawings (PDF Document, 25.87 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 9. Jan 2019. Transport Assessment (PDF Document, 58.3 Mb)
Non-Technical Summary
- Environment Statement - Non-Technical Summary - Part 1 (PDF Document, 13.81 Mb)
- Environment Statement - Non-Technical Summary - Part 2 (PDF Document, 28.03 Mb)
- Environment Statement - Non-Technical Summary - Part 3 (PDF Document, 25.57 Mb)
- Environment Statement - Non-Technical Summary - Part 4 (PDF Document, 17.21 Mb)
Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 7. Jan 2019. Landscape and Biodiveristy Management Plan (PDF Document, 13.55 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 7. Jan 2019. Landscape and Biodiveristy Management Zones (PDF Document, 3.36 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 7. Jan 2019. Landscape and Visual Impact (PDF Document, 0.23 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 7. Jan 2019. Landscape Types. Schedule of Materials (PDF Document, 0.35 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment. Chapter 8 (PDF Document, 2 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment. Chapters 9 & 10 (PDF Document, 10.84 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 11. Jan 2019. Archaeological Evaluation (PDF Document, 11.68 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 11. Jan 2019. Archaeology and Heritage (PDF Document, 0.27 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 12. Jan 2019. Hydrology, Drainage and Flood Risk (PDF Document, 0.45 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 13. Jan 2019. Community, Economic & Social Effects (PDF Document, 0.34 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 14. Jan 2019. Air Quality Assessment (PDF Document, 0.78 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 15. Jan 2019. Daytime Noise Contours (PDF Document, 1.46 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 15. Jan 2019. Nightime Noise Contours (PDF Document, 1.42 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 15. Jan 2019. Noise (PDF Document, 0.77 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 15. Jan 2019. Predicted Future Daytime Noise Contours 2 (PDF Document, 1.4 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 15. Jan 2019. Predicted Future Daytime Noise Contours (PDF Document, 1.45 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment Addendum. Chapter 15. Jan 2019. Predicted Future Nightime Noise Contours (PDF Document, 1.48 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment. Chapter 15. Noise and Vibration (PDF Document, 1.02 Mb)
- Environmental Assessment. Chapters 16 & 17 (PDF Document, 1.12 Mb)
As the project progresses important contact details will be added here. At present the Case Officer at Charnwood Borough Council can be contacted at
Last updated: Mon 22nd November, 2021 @ 14:50