Below are the details of all consultations carried out by Charnwood Borough Council throughout 2024.
2025/26 draft budget consultation
The Council has drawn up a draft budget for 2025/26.
A report about the draft budget contains more information and will be considered by Cabinet on 12 December 2024.
A consultation ran for comments and has now closed.
Place narrative for Charnwood
We asked for views to help create a bold, clear and positive narrative which captures what our wonderful borough of Charnwood is all about.
It was not about the Council or its services, this is the story of Charnwood.
It’s about its places, from Hathern to Syston and Wymeswold to Ulverscroft, and everything in between.
It’s about the people, the communities, the businesses and local organisations.
The past, present and future are also important.
Why does this matter? A strong identity for Charnwood will help us communicate what makes our borough unique, whether we're reaching out to potential investors, visitors, or anyone unfamiliar with the area.
Importantly, it’s also a chance to celebrate what we all love about Charnwood and build even more pride in where we live and work.
We know there are challenges for the borough, and this story has to be real, so we're also looking for views on what you think those challenges are.
The deadline for responses was 11.59pm on Sunday, 1 December 2024.
There were surveys for residents and businesses.
Parking charges consultation
We carried out a consultation on proposed changes to parking charges in Loughborough between 24 September 2024 and 20 October 2024.
There is more information in this press release.
Consultation on Gambling Policy 2025-2028
Charnwood Borough Council is required under Section 349 of the Gambling Act 2005, to review, consult and publish a Gambling Policy every three years.
The current Policy came into effect in 2022 and must be reviewed and re-published by 31 January, 2025.
A consultation was carried out which ended on 11 October 2024.
Please find the draft Gambling Policy 2025-2028 below:
- Draft Charnwood Gambling Policy 2025-28 (PDF Document, 1.38 Mb)
Charnwood PSPO - Consultation Stage 2 - Formal stage of consultation for comment on the proposed making of the Order for Waste Related Matters – Loughborough Selected Area – as outlined in the Notice of Intention
Charnwood Borough Council asked for comments about the proposed new Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) which covers a selected area in Loughborough.
It is proposed to deal with the following issues:
- Occupiers leaving waste receptacles out on the highway
- Occupiers leaving additional waste at the side the receptacles
- Occupiers not using the receptacles effectively, so they are not collected and then causing issues with windblown litter.
- Occupiers leaving receptacles on the highway causing obstruction issues.
- Occupiers leaving receptacles on the highway causing new residents to think that this is the correct approach causing more issues as detailed above.
The effect of the Order will be to apply conditions to occupiers by:
- Insisting they remove all receptacles from the highway within the prescribed period.
- Insisting all occupiers put a waterproof bin number on all receptacles for that property.
- Insisting occupiers remove waste receptacles from the highway whether they are in occupation or away from the property by means of a person (s) who are in agreement that they will remove the waste receptacle after collection.
This Order applies to the public places outlined below:
- Leopold Street
- Station Street
- Rosebery Street
- Paget Street
- Oxford Street
- Havelock Street
- Storer Road
- Cumberland Road
- George Street
- Fearon Street
- York Road
- Burleigh Road
- Chestnut Street
- Granville Street
- Radmoor Road
- Curzon Street
- William Street
- Arthur Street
- Heathcoat Street
- Broad Street
- Caldwell Street
A copy of the Notice of Intention and Draft PSPO can be seen below:
- Notice of Intention to make a Public Spaces Protection Order - Waste related issues - Loughborough selected areas (PDF Document, 0.13 Mb)
- Draft PSPO - waste related matters (Word Document, 0.1 Mb)
At the closure of this formal consultation period (stage 2), the Council will review all comments and will make a decision on whether to extend the order or an alternative in part or in full.
This stage of the consultation closed on Monday, 30 September, 2024.
Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for Waste Related Matters Consultation
Charnwood Borough Council are considering making an order (PSPO) to cover a selected area in Loughborough to deal with waste related issues. Background and list of streets in selected area can be found at the bottom of this page.
Residents of the selected area are invited to put comments forward about the PSPO and waste related matters in the area. This consultation is the first stage of the process and will form the Notice of Intention (formal proposal) which will then procced to a further consultation period. The responses from the first stage consultation and Notice of Intention will be reviewed and the PSPO can then be made. The order can last for up to 3 years and the intended start date is September/October 2024.
The PSPO will deal with all waste receptacles left on the highway. Failure to remove all waste receptacles from the highway within the set times can result in enforcement action.
If there are any reasons you may not be able to remove your receptacles from the highway, you should contact the council so that alternate measures can be considered. Call 01509 634563 or for more information and to apply, visit
For more information on PSPOs visit
The consultation ran for six weeks and closed at 5pm on Sunday August 18, 2024.
Background to Considering PSPO
Section 46 of The Environmental Protection Act 1990 gives the Borough Council the authority to inform its residents how their domestic waste is collected. One of these requirements is that bins and recycling receptacles are to be presented outside properties at a stipulated time and removed from the highway as soon as possible after being emptied and in any case within 24 hours.
The Council has received regular complaints regarding bins being left out on the highway in the selected area for long periods causing a nuisance, obstruction to pedestrians and attracting a build-up of additional waste and windblown litter.
Whilst Section 46 has an enforcement process this has proved to be ineffective in these areas. In order to improve compliance, Charnwood Borough Council is proposing to introduce a PSPO which will make it a criminal offence if receptacles are left out on the highway in the selected area beyond the specified times.
Failing to comply with the PSPO may lead to prosecution in the Magistrates’ Court where, if convicted, the maximum fine is presently £1000. As an alternative to prosecution a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) may be issued. Prosecution or issuing of a FPN is a last resort and each case would be dealt with on its own merits.
List of streets/road in selected area:
- Leopold Street
- Station Street
- Rosebery Street
- Paget Street
- Oxford Street
- Havelock Street
- Storer Road
- Cumberland Road
- George Street
- Fearon Street
- York Road
- Burleigh Road
- Chestnut Street
- Granville Street
- Radmoor Road
- Fearon Street
- Curzon Street
- William Street
- Arthur Street
- Heathcote Street
- Broad Street
Last updated: Mon 20th January, 2025 @ 12:21