Below are the full details for consulations carried out by Charnwood Borough Council in 2016.
Consultations 2016
Payphone removals consultation
A consultation to find out your views on BT's wish to remove 24 public phone boxes located within the borough.
Hit the Street survey
Hit the Street is a three year project run as part of our Community Sport Activation Fund. This survey asked for views on what sports activities to include in 2017.
Public Spaces Protection Order consultation: A proposal for the purposes of reducing antisocial behaviour, in relation to dog control, in Charnwood.
- Notice to make a PSPO Dog Control (Word Document, 0.13 Mb)
Annual Loughborough town centre survey
The survey asked people a range of questions about the town centre and for ideas on how it could be improved. You can read more about it in our press release issued on November 8, 2016.
Bedford Square Gateway Consultation: A consultation on proposed improvements to Bedford Square, Devonshire Square and Wards End in Loughborough.
Changes to Local Council Tax Support Scheme
A consultation on proposed changes to the Local Council Tax Support scheme.
Leicester & Leicestershire Strategic Growth Plan
A strategic growth plan, outlining the amount and location of future growth in the area up to 2036 and broad aspirations for growth up to 2050.
Customer Service Strategy: We conducted a survey to seek the views of residents as part of our Customer Service Strategy.
Last updated: Fri 11th February, 2022 @ 08:59