Frequently Asked Questions for the Garendon Park development can be found below:

When will the development begin?

Brexit and Covid 19 have caused delay to the commencement of residential phases compared to the original phasing plans but a reserved matters application for the first areas to be developed was approved on July 19, 2021. Further details are to be agreed in relation to conditions from the outline permission and S106 agreement but it is expected that works to the A6 will begin in mid – late 2021 with dwellings beginning to be made available from late 2022.

Will there be affordable housing on the site?

A total of 25% of dwellings on the site will be affordable. These will be a mix of housing types, including extra care units and bungalows and sizes and will be distributed throughout the site.

Will the Historic Garendon Park be open to the public?

Garendon Park will be opened up during phase one of the development. Access will be via a series of approved footpaths and cycleways that will be permanently open.

There will not be free roaming across the whole park because of the need to protect the heritage assets and landscape and a great deal of the land will remain in agricultural use providing a peaceful rural backdrop for visitors. The assets within the park will be sensitively restored. These include:

  • The triumphal arch
  • The temple of venus
  • The entrance archway to the hall
  • The obelisk
  • The barns and outbuildings
  • The boundary wall
  • Stonebow Bridge

The lodges within the park will remain in residential use and are not included in the restoration programme. There will be a small visitor car park to the north and possibly a small visitor centre in the future.

Who will look after the park and other public spaces/buildings?

A series of management companies will be set up across the development, including one that specifically deals with the historic park. These will operate on a non-profit basis and will be funded by a small annual charge to residents and the income that the facilities themselves generate (fees for the sports facilities for example). They will be responsible for a regular maintenance schedule that will be set out in an approved estate management plan. 

Once this document has been agreed a link to it will be provided on the Garendon Park applications webpage.

When will the development start?

There are still a number of conditions to be discharged and documents to be agreed. There is also the need for detailed reserved matters to be approved for each development parcel within the site.

The first phase of the development is to be made up of approximately 471 homes in the north accessed via a new roundabout with the A6 south of Hathern.

At present a reserved matters application made by Persimmon Homes is being considered for 220 dwellings in Phase 1a (P/2020/0515/2). A reserved matters application made by William Davis was received on 30/11/2020 and is being considered for 251 dwellings in Phase 1b and 1c (P/20/2187/2).

The roundabout access of the A6 will supply the first 600 houses. A second access point of the A512 will supply the next 600 houses. By the time 1200 houses are occupied the route through the site joining the A6 and A512 must be complete and open.

Other key phasing include:

  • Completion of the heritage asset restoration before 200 houses are occupied
  • Completion of first form of northern primary school before 301 houses are occupied
  • Completion of the northern primary school before 901 houses are occupied
  • Completion of the park and gardens before 1,200 houses are occupied
  • Completion of the sports and community hall before 1,600 houses are occupied
  • Completion of the local centre, health facility and police facility before 1,800 houses are occupied
  • A secondary link to Hathern Road before 2,040 houses are occupied
  • Completion of southern primary school before 2,200 houses are occupied

How will schools be dealt with?

There are two new primary schools within the development each with two forms. These will either be built by the developer of the site or using money from the developer by the County Council.

The legal agreement states that theschools  must be provided in a phased way before set  numbers of the houses are occupied.  During construction the building programme for the schools can be reviewed to reflect pupil numbers within limits set out in the legal agreement.  This review is carried out by a group that meets regularly and includes representatives from the Education Authority, developer and Charnwood. 

This is to make sure that enough spaces are provided but that they are not provided so early that they have to be used for families outside the development.  

Secondary School provision involves the  improvement of facilities and capacity at existing  schools in the area using money from the developer.

Who are the developers?

At present the development is being carried out by Persimmon Homes and William Davis Ltd. There are contact details for them below:


As the project progresses important contact details will be added here. At present the Case Officer at Charnwood Borough Council can be contacted at

William Davis Ltd who are developing some of the properties can be contacted at .

Persimmon Homes who are developing the majority of the site are currently appointing a site manager. His or her contact details will appear here once they are released.

Leicestershire County Council who are conducting the works on the A512 can be contacted here

Responses to Further Questions

Could the Liaison Group be formally constituted, limited to elected representatives in the three borough wards directly affected and briefed on a regular newsletter (suitable for forwarding to residents we represent and quarterly meetings? The current lack of any effective consultation is feeding ill-founded rumour and concerns and some real concerns that are not being addressed.

This was considered and agreed when the application for outline planning permission was being determined. The terms of reference for the Community Liaison Group are set out in Annex 2 of Schedule 3 of the Section 106 Agreement dated 20/07/18, which relates to the outline planning permission for the Garendon Park development (ref P/14/1833/2). At paragraph 2 it states that the members/attendees should be:

"-A representative of each of the Owner, the Borough Council and the County Council
-The following groups shall be invited to field a representative for each meeting: Hathern Parish Council, Shepshed Town Council, the appointed Management Company and such other groups as the Borough Council may nominate (acting reasonably)
-A representative of such other groups or organisations as the Borough Council and the Owner may approve from time to time."

It should be noted that since the date of the Section 106 the Stonebow Parish Meeting has been formed to specifically represent the current and future residents of the area covered by the Garendon Park development.

There is no reason why other elected representatives, in addition to Parish/Town Councillors could not attend, but not just those representing the three borough wards as this could exclude any other groups.

One of the agreed objectives of the group was that attendees "will feedback information to their parishioners and communities they are representing to ensure that the wider area is up to date". But again, the group could agree some other form of regular update, such as a website. The borough council has a page on its website dedicated to Garendon Park and Persimmon is currently developing a Garendon Park website which will become live in the near future.

It has been agreed that a virtual Community Liaison Group meeting will be organised as soon as possible.

Who currently owns the land within the red line?

This is still under ownership of the De Lisle estate.

We know the first phase of building is currently subject to a planning application, but could you give us an idea of when the restoration of the listed Garendon Park begin and be completed? We are aware that Biffa are required to provide significant funds for this after their successful planning appeal in 2012; when can this be drawn upon?

The works to the obelisk will be begun further to obtaining the reserved matters approval for the first phase. It will be ready before the trigger point in the aforementioned S106 Schedule 6 - prior to occupation of the 40th dwelling. The consents for the remainder of the works will commence following this.

As per Schedule 5 of the S106, paragraph 1.4 states public access to parts of the Registered Park will be within 6 months of the first occupation (unless otherwise agreed with Charnwood Borough Council). Persimmon anticipates at this time for it to be within the second half of 2021. However, this may be subject to change – something of which they will notify Charnwood Borough Council.

In relation to Biffa, this is still in progress and funds relate to Garendon Park itself. Persimmon will provide more information in due course.

What provisions for maintenance and safety of the Park area will be provided until restoration is completed?

The Park will be maintained and secured by the owner (in time, Persimmon) until it is handed over to the estate management company on a phased basis in-line with the requirements of paragraph 1.7 of Schedule 5 of the S106.

Who will maintain the buffer of woodland the southern end of the Park at the rear of Abberton Way, Foxcote Drive and Pitsford Drive?  Similarly for the land behind Stonebow School, Stonebow Close, Colling and Bates Close, and the Mount Grace/ Lillishall/Waverley roads?

The woodland areas adjacent to the above are outside the red line boundary and as such will be the responsibility of the current land owner/s.

The wooded area known as Bailey’s plantation will be sliced in half, between Persimmon land and the current ownership (DeLisle?). What is the eventual plan for this wood?

It will be divided. The plan – ref: 7394-SL-02-C Structural Landscape North East (see current application P/20/0515/2) shows the proposals for that area which are being considered by Charnwood Borough Council as part of the process of the current application.

The finger of woodland at the rear of Charnwood College is badly in need of maintenance.  Is this in Persimmons plans and if so when?

Persimmon advises that they intend to submit a Green Infrastructure Biodiversity Management Plan following Reserved Matters approval for the first phase (the current application P/20/0515/2). It is proposed that existing mature woodland will be selectively thinned to help improve structure with the overarching objective to enhance the quality of the site’s existing tree resource which will make a significant contribution to future biodiversity. This will fall under the works for the Registered Park. Timescales will be confirmed in due course.

There is widespread opinion that the boundary between Booth Wood/Obelisk Way and Garendon Park should be formally removed. Indeed if it is not removed it will be difficult to maintain.  One resident said to us: “people should have the right to walk in the woodland on the ridge and slope, and need to have that space.  Public spaces should in general be expanded wherever possible, particularly as our population increases”.  We need to reply to residents clearly on this so could you tell us, what is CBC’s view?

This point is being considered and a full response will be provided by Charnwood Borough Council in due course.  


Will there be a free car park for visitors and how will parking be prevented along Coe Avenue, Maxwell Drive and adjacent to other accesses?

Parking is proposed at the Community Hub, with two others within the wider SUE. The first car park will be provided during the initial development phase, alongside the temporary bus turning facility by the strategic link road. This will allow convenient access from the car park onto Pear Tree Lane, Hathern Drive and the wider recreational facilities. The second car park will be provided within the Garendon Park Visitor Centre, conveniently located by the entrance to the Garendon Park and also in close proximity to Red Arch Park.

Where are the current plans for access by foot to the Park? Might these be reviewed or are they fully agreed?

The footpaths are shown on the Garendon Park Detailed Landscaping and Structural Landscaping which has been submitted for approval as part of current application P/20/0515/2.

Is the visitor centre secured or is it a permissive plan awaiting a sponsor?

This will be clearer once Persimmon submit details for the relevant phase within the wider scheme.

The PROW and footpath plan is very important. Can Persimmon consult with Ramblers and other groups to help us to optimise this?

These are shown on the Landscaping Plans (see response to 10 above); however these will be subject to consultation during the application process. The Ramblers Association was consulted on the current application (P/20/0515/2), but has not commented.

Nature & Wildlife

It’s good to see bat boxes included in the landscape plans. Are there measures in place to protect the bats?


Other Matters

From where will the agricultural land be serviced? Realistically do we believe this land is a land bank for future building, or is it protected in some way?

This land is not within the red-line boundary and as such Persimmon is unable to comment.

There are many plans of the estate for different purposes (e.g. landscape. PROWs, access, etc.). Would it be possible to maintain a single online plan for the public with overlays for each aspect?

Persimmon will be looking at this in the formulation of their website for the SUE, and appreciate the feedback.

There is already interest amongst local residents to form a Friends Group interested in Heritage and Wildlife preservation. Is this something Persimmon would support and how does it fit with the Estate Plan?

Discussions are still taking place about the Estate Plan, and as such this can be raised and a response provided in due course.

Is there a public art element especially at the A6 roundabout; if so how will it be commissioned?

This will take the form of a formal gateway feature into the site from the A6.The details of which can be found on the details submitted with the current application P/20/0515/2.

How will road names achieve a sense of place (e.g. heritage) and Stonebow Parish be recognised in this?

Any suggestions would be welcome. They can be considered by Persimmon’s technical team who organise their street naming and in turn agreed by the Borough Council, in accordance with the Council’s Street Naming and Numbering Policy. This policy has a requirement to consult parish and town councils on any proposal.

Last updated: Mon 22nd November, 2021 @ 14:53